This Guide Shows Exactly How You Are Going To Work Online from HOME and Make REAL Money
Hello and Welcome, Friend!
Are you here because you are looking for an honest way to make real money online?
Thank you for reading my free Ultimate How To Make Money Online Guide For Beginners. With this guide, I hope that you will find a way (like I did) to help you build your online business doing what you «LOVE» right NOW!
All you will have to do is take action and you will be able to turn your passion into a “real business” making “real money”
I prepared this guide for YOU, to help YOU get started in the exciting, sometimes overwhelming online world. I want to make it simpler for you by showing you a clear, proven process to follow.
My intention for this guide is that what I share here with you, will help you make a decision that will change your life forever.
Just read on and I will show you truthfully what you need to know to start your online business.
My Background
My name is John and I started my entrepreneurial journey back in 2011.
Not long ago, I was also looking to find a way to work at home or make money online. I struggled online for many years, basically trying anything that I noticed. It hasn’t been an easy ride, I’ve tried many things over the years like simple capture pages, paid advertising and promoting good products but that had bad business models.
Why earn online? Lydia and I had had enough! The thought of working 40+ years or more for someone else, building their dreams, at the expense of our own, just never sat well with me. This means the employer gets the vast majority of our time from Monday to Friday and all we get is the weekends. Also, we do this until we’re 65-70 years old!?
With rising job losses and family members being made redundant, we knew this traditional employment model was broken and was never going to allow us to live the life we wanted. What about our dreams? We never seemed to have enough time for family, let alone each other. Not enough income in retirement, if we were “lucky enough” to even get that far and not be made redundant, we knew there had to be a better way. We had to have a “Plan B”…
What I found was there’s a lot more scams online than actual legitimate ways to make money online. I tried many things to try to escape from the rat-race. I knew I wanted to build a passive income stream and secondly that I needed the right business model and support to learn how to do this. I don’t mind working to build it, to build an income producing asset for our family. Thirdly, I also wanted the freedom to work from home or any location so I can work where my family is and even while on vacation if I wanted to.
I went on an extensive search on the internet because my ideal home business needed to satisfy the three things ideal for me and many others: I wanted a proven business model with network of support, work wherever I want, and start building a passive income stream.
The Reason I Created this Guide
Then in January 2018, I finally found it! Finally, a proven path that taught me the ropes on how to be successful online that would satisfy all that I wanted!

Sure I started out expecting it to be another scam, since many programs on the internet ARE scams. But I couldn’t have been further from the truth. I was blown away by the value provided.
I couldn’t believe what I found within the program: real success stories, real training, real people and real support! It was all good to be true. Building my own online business gives me all the things I wanted above and it wasn’t easy and requires that you dedicate yourself to it on a consistent basis.
Nothing I had done before had given me the financial freedom I desire and I owe it all to this training platform that has taught me everything from the ground up.
This is the reason behind my guide. Now I KNOW about this program and KNOW that there are people like you struggling to find legit ways to make money online, I feel compelled to introduce you to the platform as well. I want to share what i’ve learned so YOU too can build the online business of your dreams!
What I’m about to show you is a proven path to building a sustainable online business for the long term that will generate you a passive income for years to come so you can live life on your own terms. Your own income producing asset!
You will also have to opportunity to have ME as YOUR Personal Mentor for FREE which I’ll explain more below.
You will be on your path to success much faster working with me as I’ve been through the training and can show you key things, saving you time and money, leading you to success!
I’ll show you how my online business works next before showing you the training platform to get you there. It’s such an exciting time to be around in the online world, come and find out why.
Mindset For Success With An Online Business
Your Online Business Takes Time and Real Work Effort To Build

Remember this, the effort you put forth right now will lead to success down the road…and can lead to success forever.
Because it is ONLINE, people for some reason think that it won’t take much work, or they can click a few buttons on their mobile device and build a thriving business. It will not happen like that. That has happened to NOBODY…EVER. But scammers will tell your this is going to happen if you buy their product. Don’t believe them.
A lot of the scam products online tell you what you want to hear – that without doing much work you can make thousands per month starting now, and would become a six-figure earner by the end of the year. So many people seem to want to make money in a hurry and want a push button system they think exists.
I can tell you right new there’s no such thing. Also the only ones who make money in those get rich quick schemes, are the scammers, the creators of the programs. Just because it’s online, it doesn’t mean you will make money faster. If you remember that online business will take time and hard work, just like any real business, then you’re ALREADY on the path to success.
You will also never hear me say you will make thousands online by doing little or no work.
Having your own business means you have continual work and progression of your business. That could mean building, adding, expanding or creating more ways for your business to earn. And the great thing is, you’re going to learn how to do all this.
You will gain the benefits of your efforts, this is so true for this online business model I will show you. There is a formula that is well tested over the years. It is EFFORT IN = RESULTS OUT. That formula is how to create results in your business, so the more effort you can put into it, the more results and income you will enjoy in the future.
Your work ethic is key. Don’t think you can be like “The 4-hour Work Week” straight away, eventually yes, but you need to work your butt off initially to lay the foundation for your future success. You must work hard and then take a few weeks off. The Idea you can work very little is a fallacy.
The online world is not like a typical job. So you might work online 3-4 hours a day for a month straight. Your results are not reflected straight away, but usually after 3-6 months down the track. In the initial stages you are building out the foundation to your business that will produce for many years to come.
Unlike a job (where you get paid by the hour), if you work 8 hours a day you are not going to get paid 2 weeks from now. So when you put in the effort right now. In this very moment, many with an employee mindset expect a “result” from their efforts right away. They give up when the don’t see that. That is what I see ALL THE TIME.
So again, please remember this. The effort you put forth right now will lead to success down the road…and can lead to success forever.
If you understand that this online business takes real effort and time to build then this could be the answer for you.
You can rest assured that the path to success has already been walked here and that as long as you follow the training, you will succeed.
I’ll also show you how to start this for FREE so keep reading…
The BEST Way You’ll Make Money Online
Let’s First Understand The Process

What do buyers do? When you need information on anything at all, you go to the internet and type in your query into Google or other search engines. Like my search recently “cheap running watches with heart rate monitor”. Then, you’re given a list of results that Google thinks you’re looking for.
You select and click on a headline that catches your attention. You’re taken to a website with lots of great information and maybe even some links that conveniently direct you to best places to buy what you need. Clicking on that link will take them to a site like and if they buy the item, that website makes a commission from Amazon. That could be YOUR website!
This process is called affiliate marketing and the great thing about this process… is there are BILLIONS of people doing EXACTLY that! Searching for products or services to buy online. What if I told you that you could turn these BILLIONS of people into paying customers?
Pretty exciting stuff right? Affiliate Marketing is a business model many are using on the internet to make money online. It’s a proven path and many successful internet marketers use this method.
How You Will Make Money – Affiliate Marketing
In simple terms, affiliate marketing is just recommending someone else’s product or service in a way that pays you a commission.
You can sign up for affiliate programs with Amazon, Apple, Walmart, Trivago, Clickbank has a whole network of them, and countless others company’s products AND services. Consider an extremely popular online merchant like Amazon for example. You can buy fitness watches, drones, cameras, juicers…and pretty much everything on amazon. So no matter how unique the product (such as the latest drone), you can make money promoting it through an affiliate program.
In the case of fitness watches, when you did your online research, the articles you are reading could be written by an affiliate marketer. If you went to YouTube, the person doing a fitness watch buyers guide video may have an affiliate link in their description for you to click on.
So when people click on links to your website, it will take them to Amazon’s website and if they buy something, you will earn a commission!
You are NOT Selling, You Are Helping
Another way of explaining affiliate marketing is this: to bring a solution to the problem that people are having. It’s really THAT easy. Your task will be to write about a problem, provide a solution, and make your article available to the person looking for the information. You are helping them.

Using the process I just described above, you never have to really “sell” any product.
The best way to use affiliate marketing is recommending products or services you think are best to other people to help them fix a problem or find a solution to something that they’ve been searching for.
You don’t go looking for people, people will naturally come to YOU!
I don’t really like selling, do you?
Also I’m not very good at sales. So this business model is ideal for me because I can talk about things I love to do which is making money online and helping other people do the same.
The key to being an affiliate marketer is not about selling, it’s more about helping others because this will create trust.
The more trust you gain from your visitors, the more they will come back and see what you recommended. If you can build trust with your audience, then you will have created a great brand for yourself and you will reap the benefits of this trust as people then click your affiliate links to buy your recommended products or services.
The key point here is to help your visitors find solutions to their problems. Place most of your energies into helping others versus selling to others, then you will master the art of affiliate marketing in no time!
Why This Method Works So Well
Just look at this chart to the right. By 2021 the retail e-commerce global sales are projected to grow to 4.88 TRILLION dollars. Currently there are over 4 Billion people searching for answers on the internet each year. It’s estimated that around 2 Billion of those buy products and services online.
This is only going to grow into the future, especially as sales on mobile devices have overtaken desktop.
This is an amazing statistic and gives anyone the opportunity to create an income for themselves in affiliate marketing.
Just imagine if you had one helpful article that ranked well in Google. You can help way more than one person, you could be helping hundreds or even thousands with your advice. This will also earn you a nice load of money with each sale that you make.
Your benefits are two-fold. The income is one thing, but then knowing you’re also guiding people to buy the correct products is also self-satisfying.
Can You See the Income Potential?
So “the market” is phenomenal! It’s not just your local area population like a traditional brick and mortar type business.
You only need to tap into a very small percentage of this market to get your share. How? The more helpful you are in your niche, the better you will rank on search engines, the more visitors you’ll get, and the more money you’ll make! Can you see the snowball effect from helping more people?
You can make money over and over again from that one post you wrote. This then creates passive income because you’ll be earning on that one article or post for months and years to come!
So could you imagine if you had a stack of these articles working for you, helping lots of people on the internet, and earning over and over again?
This is why having a website is so important => People come to YOU when they’re searching for something.
If you don’t have your own website, you’ll always be chasing the money trying to find your next dollar and that’s what get rich quick scam products teach you. They promise you’ll get rich by doing little no work, avoid them.
So please get used to the idea that you’re going to have your own website! I will show you how to get yours for free too!
This All Sounds Great But I Don’t Know Anything About Websites!!
No big deal, you’ll easily learn.
I understand you may not know about building websites, how to write helpful content, or how to get it on Google.
The way you are going to learn this is by far the easiest method on the internet. With a website builder to get you started, training and mentoring community to show you everything else, and more support than you ever imagined.
If you understood the concept of affiliate marketing and helping others by recommending products or services to them, that’s all you need to understand right now.
If you can understand how the process of making money online works, everything else can be easily learned and I will show you how you can begin this new exciting journey for FREE.
Will I Need to Learn Coding?
Of course not. In the early days of website creation you would have needed to know code but not anymore.
These days, creating your own website is super simple and with a few clicks you can have your website ready and live on the internet in less than a minute.
Honestly, keep reading and I’ll show you how.
I hope this puts your mind at ease, as many people worry at the thought of learning something new like this. With this website builder, retirees and newbies with little or no knowledge of websites have been able to build their own highly successful online business. It’s that easy.
Other Benefits Of Affiliate Marketing
As you can see about the industry above, these facts validate that affiliate marketing is in great health and a growing billion-dollar industry. It’s a big incentive to get your share, right?
It’s also an easy business model to start earning passive income online. There are clearly MANY advantages of being an affiliate marketer, this is why so many companies are using their own affiliate programs and many people are turning towards affiliate marketing as a way to either make additional income to their main income, or to make a full-time income from home.
Here are some attractive benefits of being an affiliate marketer:
- Secondary source of income – can be side project as you keep your current job and can plan to leave it
- Low-costs for start-up and maintenance
- No expertise needed (but practice makes perfect)
- No need to have your own products, no shipping or inventory hassles
- No boss to answer to
- Independence – work any time or anywhere in the world as long as you have a computer and internet connection.
- Convenience and flexibility – can create multiple affiliate campaigns and promote anything you choose.
- Don’t have to answer customer complaints or queries
- Ability to make passive income – earn money while you sleep
- Ability to make unlimited income – the sky’s the limit
- Your own business – costs such as laptops and internet usage can usually be claimed as tax write-offs
When I understood all these benefits, I was convinced it was the right focus and direction for me. BUT of course, I needed to understand in depth how it all worked and slowly and sure enough, it all came together. Let me outline below what is needed to become successful at affiliate marketing.
Let’s Recap The Process Of Making Money Online
This can be any hobby, interest or passion that you regularly engage in or something you love doing. This is called a Niche. It will vary from person to person, for example some people love essential oils and may want to help others find the right essentials oils.

This Niche can be something that you are passionate about, something that you know the ins and outs. It can be almost anything you can think of, but don’t base your choice on income potential only, think of how you can help people in that market.
You want a subject that you will be motivated to talk about and you should have a good knowledge of, or at least that you want to research and learn about it.
With so many Billions of people online, there are millions of ideas that you could choose from and make them profitable.

You may have reservations about this part, but it really is much easier than you think because everything is point and click.
I will show you the best and easiest way to create your very own website, even for free!
You won’t need any prior experience or technical knowledge and you’ll have your website up and running in a matter of minutes.
You’ll be surprised how easy this is and also what you can easily achieve.

Once you have your website up, that’s when you’ll start writing a few helpful articles and you’ll start getting traffic.
You’ll learn how to write about problems / products that people are searching for and providing solutions to them. You will also learn now to get UNLIMITED VISITORS to your website FOR FREE, who are already looking for the information that you’re offering.
You’ll learn how to get your website ranked on the first page of search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo.
When that happens people will see your website on their search results, they will start clicking on your website to visit it and so does step 4!

Once your website starts getting traffic, and you become an authority within your niche, people will value your opinion and eventually trust you and won’t hesitate to buy the products or services you recommended. This is where you start making real honest money.
These products or services can be through Amazon, Walmart, Apple or any other company that has an affiliate program.
These companies pay you a commission for your efforts to get them a sale. So when you get people to your website, they will start clicking on your recommended products or services. When people buy, YOU MAKE MONEY!
You know what is the greatest thing about this method? Once you have created your content and the traffic is flowing to your website, it will be working for your 24/7 365 days per year, and people will be visiting and buying from it at any time and from anywhere on the planet. No brick and mortar business can do that.
Briefly, these pictures tell the whole story:
“Can I Do This?”
Why should everyone else get all the rewards? If you can read this guide, then you can do it. I promise, the training is meant to be for you, someone who knows nothing about making money online.
You’ll be able to learn how to build this whole online business because the community i’m going to show you will take you by the hand, step-by-step training and teaches you everything you need to know at your own pace.
If you can follow along simple video training and you’re prepared to take action on the training, you’ll succeed at this. You don’t need to be an expert writer or at anything but I can guarantee you’ll get better at it all over time.
The training really is your blueprint to making money online. It will show you everything you need to know as well as all the tools to help you do things easier to achieve success.
Most of the people you will see within this community, including me (and loads who ARE successful), will be those who have started with zero knowledge. There are people from different backgrounds and experiences who started as newbies and now they are making a living online!
Trust me when I say, that this is the COMPLETE and REAL blueprint that you have been waiting for. So, I know YOU can do this too!
To get started, you need an all-in-one platform that will have the following:
Step-by-step training
- All the tools you’ll need
- A great support structure
The first thing you need, is genuine step-by-step training. When I started my journey in business (offline and online), I was alone and lost a lot of time and money trying to figure out what methods and business model works and what doesn’t. I really was shooting blind, hoping that it was going to work if I stuck at it.
But if you want to succeed as fast as possible and save time and money, then you need to follow a proven system that works, and has filtered out all the methods that don’t work, so you can easily avoid those distractions.
The next thing you need are the tools to make this business work. You need an all-in-one platform that will show you exactly how to put your training into action. Having all the tools you need within one place makes it so much easier for you to achieve success faster.
Then the next critical ingredient for success is a great support structure. Having all the training in the world and the best tools are not enough when you are learning a new business. As you put it into practice, you’ll have questions, you’ll run into obstacles and you’ll want feedback. Not only do you need these answers but you need them fast so that you can build your success sooner.
The Ultimate All-In-One Training Platform
At this point you must be excited and eager to know what this all-in-one platform is. I was delighted to finally find this incredible training platform called Wealthy Affiliate.
Wealthy Affiliate has EVERYTHING you will ever need to build a successful online business. You won’t need to look outside the platform, so this saves you a ton of time and money. I really mean that, this platform will save you so much of your precious time and also your money because everything you need is here is on this one platform.
What’s best, is that it’s completely free to get started.
FINALLY, I found this platform with all the necessary training, tools and support that i’ve been looking for to start my online business right this time!
My wish came true of finding somewhere that could teach me how to build my website right from day one, how to write my content, show me how to rank highly on search engines, and finally how to make money online!
Many other programs teach affiliate marketing wrong, they always have you chase the money.
Wealthy Affiliate is different, they teach you the right way to do it. This is to build your website right and have the visitors and money come to YOU.
I finally found a proven business model that satisfied the three things I mentioned earlier. To be able to work wherever I want (with WiFi!), create a passive income stream and offer all the support I needed.
Now YOU can get started with the right training and support to build your own online business of your dreams.
This is the best and most advanced training platform on the Internet to learn how to make money online using affiliate marketing.
You will have everything you need on the Wealthy Affiliate platform also they have so many more resources than any other training program I’ve ever seen.
First and foremost, you can become a member right now for FREE now so you can follow along as I dive into the details below – No credit cards required at signup. No obligation. No risk involved.
OK, so how much money will I be able to make?
As with all business, when the question is asked “How much money will I make?” or “How long does it take to make money?” there are literally thousands of variables involved and it’s really up to YOU. But what I’ve found in my experience with Wealthy Affiliate is that it was much sooner and also more than I thought.
By following the training at Wealthy Affiliate the earning potential is directly related to the effort you put in!
Some of Wealthy Affiliate’s members are making six and seven-figure earning doing exactly what is taught here at Wealthy Affiliate.
Once inside the community, you can read tons of new success stories all the time on the main dashboard. And I personally know several successful people who followed what Wealthy Affiliate teaches.
The key point is, if you are going to succeed online, you’ll need all the training, tools and support you can get. With this platform help is available 24/7 and 365 days a year.
And this help will be given by first-class entrepreneurs and full-time income earners that are part of this wonderful community!
Let’s be clear again on this point: Wealthy Affiliate is not a get rich quick scheme. If that’s what you’re looking for, it’s time to look elsewhere. As with everything, building a successful business takes the right training, tools, consistency, effort, and, yes, your work ethic.
Let’s Have A Closer Look At Wealthy Affiliate
Wealthy Affiliate Main Features
Wealthy Affiliate specialized in training people on how to build an online business with affiliate marketing.
They will take you from the very beginning of choosing a niche, to building a website, to attracting visitors, and making money. The 4 steps we covered earlier, you will get to learn ALL of it in one place.
So no more searching around on your own and piecing it together by yourself from snippets of information from Google or YouTube.
Wealthy Affiliate has mastered the layout of their platform so everything on the platform is organized and arranged so you can build your business the correct way. You will learn the correct steps you need at the time you need to learn it at.
Here’s some of the great features offered:
- Step-By-Step Easy To Follow Lessons with Video Tutorials
- Online Certification Courses
- Simple But Powerful Website Builder
- Domain Registration
- Highly Secured Web Hosting
- 13 Classrooms To Learn From
- Weekly Live Webinars
- Live Chat For Instant Support
- Full Support System
- Keyword Research Tool
- Free Starter Membership
- Premium Membership
The Wealthy Affiliate platform covers so many areas but we’ll concentrate on the main benefits. If you want to create your free account now, that would be a great idea so you can follow along as I go into the main features of the training platform.
Remember, creating an account is free and NO credit card is needed.
You also can keep your free account as long as you like because it’s not a free trial. It’s a Free Starter Membership which I’ll explain more in full later below.
Next, let’s check out the amazing features at Wealthy Affiliate!
Easy To Follow Step-By-Step Lessons
The core training course at Wealthy Affiliate is the Online Entrepreneur Certification course. You can access by clicking on the Training link located on the left menu after you’ve logged in.
It’s really easy to follow as concepts are explained in a style like the way I’ve been writing here and there are videos in the lessons to show you how to do things as well.
As you can see above, there are 5 Levels of this course and each level has 10 lessons. The platform will even track your progress and bookmark where you are in the training so you don’t miss
Your free starter account gives you full access to the Level 1 Getting Started, which includes the following 5 lessons. These will get you to choose your niche, build your website and creating quality content. This is done with this easy to follow training, videos to help your learning, and with a checklist of things to do. Here’s an overview of the free courses:

At the completion of each lesson you’ll have a list of tasks to take action on so you are really building your online business alongside your learning. At the right of each lesson, you will see a lesson tracker like the one seen here on the right.

This keeps you organized and tracks where you are in each lesson and level.
On the top right of the tracker, it tells you what percentage you have completed which encourages you to keep persisting and keeps you on track.
I always tell people not to skip any lessons because they are organized specifically to learn and do certain things on your website in a logical order. This is to slowly build up your website in the correct way with the right amount of content or web design elements required for ranking.
So all you have to do is start at Lesson 1 on Level 1 and continue through.
There is also a discussion area at the bottom of each lesson in case you have something to ask or something to say about what’s being taught. If you ask questions here, the expert community will help you out with anything.
This is perfect training for anyone starting out in affiliate marketing. If you’ve never built out a website before, you’ll also be taken step by step on which pages you’ll need to add, including a privacy policy and affiliate disclaimer.
It’s really the ideal training for anyone to learn this new skill set and is constantly updated.
Multiple Ways To Learn
Over and above the main Online Entrepreneur Certification course, there are actually even more ways to learn.
The platform offers another course called Affiliate Bootcamp that teaches you how to build a business around Wealthy Affiliate’s affiliate program.
In addition, there are 13 Classrooms where you can learn more on specific topics.
Each classroom has detailed discussions happening and you can learn from what’s already there or ask questions in there to find more answers. So when you’re ready to deep dive into topics and become an expert, you can! Here’s a snapshot:

Live Weekly Webinars
In addition, Wealthy Affiliate offers Weekly Live Training Webinars to learn the latest topics in affiliate marketing or see live case studies being built right in front of your eyes!
This could be anything from SEO and getting indexed on Google, to YouTube marketing, email marketing, to affiliate strategies.
The great thing about these webinars is they are recorded and uploaded to the Wealthy Affiliate training platform. This way you can watch them over and over again at any time that suits you.
There are over 350 past webinars to learn from, all at your own pace.
I recommend attending these live so that you can ask questions to Jay who hosts these webinars. You’ll also get to interact with other members attending.
Here’s a sample of the quality training on the latest topics and latest best practices that constantly evolve so we can be kept at the leading edge:
I don’t know anywhere else that offers so much up to date training.
Essential Tools to Help You Succeed
As I mentioned earlier, every tool you need to be successful is offered within the Wealthy Affiliate platform. You’ll have all the tools you need to be successful within the platform and won’t ever have to pay for another dollar for other tools unless you want to. Here are the most important tools included:
- Site Builder – Simple But Powerful Website Builder – This is where you’ll be able to create your website with the click of a few buttons. This short video shows you the exact steps and how you can create your free website in under a minute.
Take a look at this VIDEO: Create a Website in Under 30 Seconds
- Site Content – a Writer’s Perfect Platform – This is where you’ll be able to write up and add
content to your website. What I love most is that you can access over 1 Million free, beautiful and fully optimized images.
- Site Comments – This is where you’ll be able to ask others for comments on your articles. Google loves engagement and even more, it loves relevant content. Comments, “good comments” or third party endorsements help to make your content relevant. A huge reason for using the Wealthy Affiliate Site Comments tool is it helps make your content more relevant.
- Site Feedback – This is where you’ll be able to ask others for feedback on your website.
- Highly Secured Web Hosting and Domain Registration – At Wealthy Affiliate, the WordPress hosting is second to none and sets the industry standards, with faster site speed. In fact, many people actually join Wealthy Affiliate for the hosting packages alone! Inside the training platform, they also offer easy domain registration. You can buy your own custom domains on the platform at a very affordable price (less than $15/year) for a .com or .net etc. You get loads of extra features like SSL Certificates and Private Registration which are both usually extra costs elsewhere. For the features you get, its cheaper than anywhere else on the internet.
- Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool – This is the tool you’ll use to rank your website on the first page of Google and the search engines. If you’ve ever heard of keyword research, you’ll understand that using keywords in your content is an important step to ranking highly in Google. So to help you with your content, the training platform also provides Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool to use as well as the lessons to explain how to use it correctly. Using Jaaxy shows you how much competition you’re up against for each keyword and best equips you to achieve a high rank.

Big Network Of Support and Like-Minded Community
The support system is the best I have ever experienced.
Whenever you take on a journey like this, you’re going to want help with various aspects. You will never run out of help on the Wealthy Affiliate platform. This is one of the biggest benefits I never knew about until I joined.
I couldn’t believe I had a huge community to ask for help and am even able to contact the owners for extra help! With the largest Internet Marketing community in the world, Wealthy Affiliate continues to be the #1 choice for people all over the world to create their own successful businesses online.
Other programs may have an online form for you to complete to get help, they’ll have a facebook page, they’ll have email support, perhaps a forum but NOTHING like what Wealthy Affiliate offers.
Unlike other programs, the owners are also here to help. Owners Kyle and Carson are always interactive with the community members. You can send them a direct message, as you can with any member. Kyle has been particularly helpful to me personally.
Here is how you can ask and get help within the platform:
- Leaving Comments – This is a great specific way to ask for help. At the end of each and every lesson, there’s a discussion area in case you have something to ask or have not understood a particular aspect taught. You’ll get the support, community and even the owners to answer your questions.
- Live Chat – If you need that instant help, simply ask a question and other members will respond within minutes. The Live Chat is available 24/7 and there are people engaged within the community at all times of day and night.
- Ask A Question feature – For more detailed questions about anything, you can post to the community. You are asked to categorize it within a particular “Classroom” so others are able to understand from what perspective you need your question answered. You’ll get multiple answers and various detailed opinions.
- Private Messaging – This amazing feature allows you to Private Message ANYONE on the platform whenever you need some help. That means you can Private Message ME and any other successful member of the platform when you’re stuck. That way, you’re sure to get answers from the experts.
- Site Support – If you have any technical questions about your website, then you’ll have a 24/7 technical support team as well that responds very quickly. For example, if your website glitches after an update, if you ever make a mistake and lose content, issues with plugins, themes, speed, importing your existing website, etc, you have this team at your disposal 24/7 to answer any questions and help you get back on track. Personally, these guys have been life-savers for me!

Not only are the technical team responsible for the upkeep of your website, but they also maintain and enhance the training platform itself. They’re the ones that make all the visions of owners Kyle and Carson a reality, to best help YOU.
To Recap: This surely is the most well-thought-out program ever to help new affiliate marketers and anyone wanting to build ANY online business. Starting with your free website, you can optionally buy your domain and host your website. The tools and expansive training show you exactly how to write awesome content that will generate tons of free organic search traffic from search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing using the techniques taught at Wealthy Affiliate.
If you already have an online business, you can take your business to the next level and beyond using the Wealthy Affiliate platform, resources, and community.
This program has the most support, training, resources, and tools for your online business I’ve ever seen!
Before finding Wealthy Affiliate, I really couldn’t believe that such a platform existed, where the owners are not looking at making themselves rich, but to truly help others create a successful online business.
Membership Options

By now, you probably realize that Wealthy Affiliate has EVERYTHING you’ll ever need to build your own successful online business. You won’t need to look outside the platform, so this saves you a ton of time and money. What’s best, is that it’s completely free to get started and also has a paid membership.
So there are simply 2 membership options at Wealthy Affiliate and there are no other upsells that you see with so many other programs in the industry.
The Free Starter membership is a LIFETIME membership, which means you can stay as a free member for as long as you like, with free websites, without upgrading and without anyone forcing you to upgrade.
The Premium membership is optional but provides access to everything Wealthy Affiliate has to offer. The monthly cost is $49 but if you sign up with the button below, I can get you a 61% discount for your first month and you’ll pay only $19 for the first month.
After realizing the tremendous value inside the platform like I did, if you go yearly you can save even more money. The annual membership is $495, averaging out to only $41/month. That’s complete access to the WA training platform with everything included for less than $1.36 a day.

The only other cost to your business is if you want your website on a custom domain, which is recommended. For more info on this, see Domain Registration section above. There are no upsells, no extra costs!
Anyway, you don’t have to think about all this, for now, you can start for free and that’s what I think you should focus your attention on right now.
I’ll send you the discount info after you have created your free account so you can wait until then to upgrade.
One more thing, after you create your free account, you need to do two things:
- Upload A Profile Picture
- Enter a Short Profile Description
This introduces yourself to the Wealthy Affiliate community so other members will get to know you better and start helping and encouraging your right away.
Who Is The Premium Membership For?
If you just want to try out the system, then the FREE membership gives you a great taste of what the rest of the platform will be like. But if you are serious about building an online business and making money online, growing it either as a side business or making full-time passive income online, then Premium membership is for you.
You’ll then have full access to all the business tools and full training so you can get the expertise you need to build your own online business you’ve dreamt about.
The biggest bonus about being Premium is the training and support you’ll get. Your membership contains 100% of WA’s training right away and you literally have experts at your fingertips to ask any questions too. There are no upsells or any extra cost for training modules (that other programs slowly empty your bank account with).
You get the best training and mentorship platform you’ll find online, one-on-one coaching from someone who’s walked the path ahead of you successfully, and you’ll be embraced into a community that really cares about your progress. So Premium membership will exponentially boost your chances of making money because of all the resources and training you’ll have access too.
Is Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership Worth It?
I asked myself whether $49/month or the cheaper annual membership averaging at less than $1/day was worth it. What if it’s a bit hard for you to find that money every single month? But if you really want to make something work, then you’ll find away.
Let me ask you, what if you’re earning $2,000/month in two years time? Would $49/month seem like a big cost to your finances? Of course not.
Just think about this for a minute, what does a university degree cost you per year?
If you had to go to university or college, you would need between $20,000 to $50,000 for a degree. When you think about this, is $49/month REALLY that much to invest in your online business education for your financial future?
If you stick at it, results like below can be yours too.
Why Do I Recommend Wealthy Affiliate?
Reason #1 – Success Stories – The Training Simply Works
Like I mentioned earlier, you can rest assured that the path to success has already been walked here. As long as you follow the training, this training will work for you and you will succeed.

Grace Made $4,931/month in less than 2 years
Brok’s earnings joined the $10K per month club
Dylan Made $4,500 in his 7th Month from his new Website

These guys are regular people that followed the training. They never had to go outside of Wealthy Affiliate to find success. They are active members and users of this platform and that’s the reason they are successful today.
There are so many more success stories I could tell you about Wealthy Affiliate from first sales to selling websites for $40,000.
There are so many more reasons to join this amazing training platform.
But, it’s hard to fully appreciate what I’m talking about until you experience it yourself.
Our community would love to have YOU with us too!
Reason #2 – They’ve Been Doing This Since the Year 2005

The owners, Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim have created Wealthy Affiliate back in 2005 and have been growing it in leaps and bounds since then.
They are really honest and caring people who are very active within the community helping and guiding members as often as it’s humanly possible. They are in for the long run and they stand out from the rest when it comes to a training platform.
The training and the community are the best on the internet. With close to 1.8 million aspiring and successful affiliate marketers that have joined Wealthy Affiliate since 2005 inside the community, they must be doing something right!
Showing their true character, honor and ethical positioning within this industry, the owners recently showed this by fighting for those being scammed by unethical schemes like MOBE and help the victims of MOBE by donating HALF of their lawsuit win to those customers.
“Expect brilliance from us, we cannot wait to deliver.” Carson Lim
Reason #3 – The Training Platform Gets Better and Better
I’ve seen some training platforms that have outdated and irrelevant training (and then upsells!), you won’t get that at Wealthy Affiliate.
The training at Wealthy Affiliate is regularly updated to reflect any new changes in our online world. So it’s always relevant to today’s environment. They are continually improving every aspect, and there are always regular updates that improve the quality of the member’s experience.
There’s been some massive and plenty of minor improvements on the platform in the short time (since Jan 2018) that I’ve seen here. Here are the Updates that Took Place in 2020, 2019, 2018 and end of 2017:
- Major project to refresh the “Core” 5 Levels of Online Entrepreneur Certification training (by late 2021) and 7 Levels of Affiliate Bootcamp training (by end of 2021), also additional series of Live classes for Premium Members (Aug 2021)
- Wealthy Affiliate Premium Plus+ Bundle introduced with more live expert classes on advanced internet marketing topics (200+/year), Jaaxy Enterprise, Hosting for up to 50 websites, upcoming Premium Plus+ only features (Nov 2020)
- Wealthy Affiliate Platform rebuilt from the ground up, new user interface, designed for mobile first (Nov 2020)
- Video – significant update to video platform at Wealthy Affiliate (July 2019)
- Kraken Image Optimization Now at Wealthy Affiliate for “best of the best” image optimization and optimal page load speeds (July 2019)
- New Platform Launch: Affiliate Programs Platform (May 2019)
- Wealthy Affiliate Mobile Responsive Version (September 2018)
- SiteComments 2.0 (September 2018)
- SiteSpeed Extreme & Caching Improvements (August 2018)
- SiteSSL, Free SSL for ALL (August 2018)
- Ambassador Platform Updates (June 2018)
- Major Overhaul of the whole interface – Brand New UX Launch / New Home Page / Website Pages (May 2018)
- New Wealthy Affiliate Blogging Platform SiteContent (March 2018)
- Full Jaaxy (Keyword Research) Integration & New Menu (February 2018)
- Video Platform Updates (January 2018)
- PageSpeed Insights – Anаlуzе & Improve Yоur Wеbѕіtе Speeds (Oсtоbеr 2017)
- SіtеCоntеnt Imаgеѕ – Ovеr 1,000,000+ FREE Images (October 2017)
The owners are in this for the long haul so they roll out continuous improvements and new features throughout the year, every year.
They invest in their business without passing on any cost to their members.
I’m really amazed by the number of new tools and features we get and how they do this without increasing our membership cost.
I can’t recommend it highly enough!
Here’s a really nice little video showing what Wealthy Affiliate is all about! (and it’s improved loads since then)
One other thing I didn’t mention already is this:
If you were to get everything that is included here at Wealthy Affiliate: the training, the websites, domain names, the hosting, Live events, Keyword tools, Premium Coaches, the community and support, and the entire platform, at different places, it would cost a lot, lot more!
I Can Help You as YOUR Personal Coach
By now you’re probably thinking of all the possibilities and opportunities and where you can take your own online business. I really hope this has opened your mind to something new and the potential for you. You may have many questions in your head that you’d like answered.
How To Get Me As Your Personal 1-on-1 Coach:
- Create your Free Starter account using any of my buttons or links in this guide
- Upgrade to Premium whenever you choose to, then you will have ME as your Personal Coach!
I will give you 1-on-1 feedback on your progress, advise you of anything you need help with, and pointing you in the right direction so you can get on the road to success quicker.
You’ll be able to ask me all your questions inside Wealthy Affiliate, just look out for my welcome message on your profile from “JohnJStanley” (that’s me!)
If you’re really serious about this and become a premium member, I’ll be available to answer all of your questions. You can contact me anytime by sending me a Private Message within Wealthy Affiliate for personal one-on-one coaching.

I am here for YOU and so please know that you can message me anytime.
I am on the platform several times daily so I will always reply to you on a timely basis.
I will also be messaging you the BONUSES you’ll get plus the 61% Premium Discount after you set up your new free account!
I trust you learned about what is the best way on how to make money online from my Ultimate How To Make Money Online Guide For Beginners.
I look forward to working with you and helping you get started with building your own real online business!
Let’s Make Money Online!