Are you looking for a better way to find keywords for your blog posts and websites? Or are you new to keyword research and want to know how to find (and use) great keywords? You are in the right place!
Finding profitable keywords with low competition can be really difficult.
In order to generate traffic, you need quality content and in order to create content, you need to learn how to find profitable keywords with low competition. These are the best keywords for SEO. Keyword competitiveness is rising so this is one of the hardest things for beginners to achieve. Why? Confusing? Hard to learn?
What if I showed you how to find profitable keywords with low competition to rank on Google in a simple way that you could easily do yourself from here on?
You’ll learn all about how to find the best keywords, quickly and easily, and how to use them in your blog posts so that you too can dominate in Google search. How to analyze your competition the right way and heaps more. I will show you my techniques for doing this.
How to Find Profitable Keywords With Low Competition
Low competition long tail keywords are the perfect alternative answer to generic keywords that have loads more competition. I discuss more about criteria for the best keywords and why long tail keywords are the best in this article. While most of the long tail keywords that you find might not have huge volume, they have lower competition and most importantly, they are specific to what people are looking for.
Less competition means your post will more likely rank well on Google and other search engines. Plus, a website that uses many long tail keywords tends to get more interaction and this all ties into a good user experience, which makes the Google algorithm happy. Why? A potential buyer is more likely to use a long tail search phrase which is why they make up 70% of search queries. So you can be providing people with solutions to what they are looking for.
This is not to say that all of your keywords have to be long tail, but the more you use them, the better your SEO will be. The greater majority of website pages and posts that have made it to Google page 1, have a long tail keyword as the title and appears in the key areas.
Step 1: Brainstorming: How to find Low Competition Keywords of Value
So you have an idea or topic for your article. The next thing is to use a few tools to help you brainstorm some low competition long tail keywords.
Start brainstorming your own ideas about your niche and write down whatever you think relates to it. Don’t worry if it seems silly or not, this is brainstorming. I use a spreadsheet and add keyword ideas to it as I think of them.
Go to forums in your niche. Check their sections and thread titles for ideas and inspiration. Some I like to use are:
- (for question and answers related to keywords)
- Yahoo Answers (for question and answers related to keywords)
- (for “how to” related to keywords)
Social Media
Hashtags are a convenient way of determining current hot topics. Searching for hashtags, you can find out what your target audience is interested in now and what they’re talking about. This enables you to appeal to your target niche market by ideas to create content relevant. Creating relevant and keyword rich content that helps your audience can be lucrative.
Google Instant (plus “Alphabet soup” google)
When you are typing something into Google, it is going to give you ideas as to some potential searches that you might be looking for, so it’s kind of predicting for you based on common things that people are searching for. As a marketer online, affiliate marketing or business owner in the online world, this is incredibly helpful and insightful for us and its completely free keyword research we’re getting here.
So you can use this in an “alphabet soup” way by typing in say “gardening a”, “gardening b” etc to find you unlimited keywords. You can dive in further by adding more words.
This great video shows how to do this in detail:
Keyword Ideas from Answer The Public
A creative way to find keywords is by finding out what questions your audience are already asking. A good starting point for more ideas is the tool Answer The Public which has free and paid versions. Answer The Public is like a keyword tool that visualizes search questions and suggested autocomplete searches in an image called a search cloud. It’s a big round brainstorm of keyword ideas. Categories include the 5 Ws, plus ‘how’, ‘are’, ‘can’, ‘will’ and ‘which’. So there are loads of ideas you can get from here.
Keyword Tool
I can type in any search phrase here for more accurate results. Using Google Instant plus the Alphabet Soup technique within Jaaxy keyword research analysis tool is great. Using these two concepts, you can come up with almost unlimited keyword ideas.
This can snowball with your keyword research, using Google Instant for ideas and then exploring them within Jaaxy
There is also an automated alphabet soup technique within Jaaxy. Jaaxy’s “alphabet soup” feature finds all kinds of variations to your keyword/topic, giving you the entire alphabet to find them. All you need to do is enter one keyword/topic and then simply drag the slider which represents the alphabet from A to Z.
Google Trends
You can use Google Trends to compare keywords, checking for seasonality and loads more ways. Also, when checking for how a keyword trends over time, this displays “Related queries” below for even more new keyword ideas with potential, both “Top” queries and “Rising” queries.
Google Search Console and Google Analytics
Why not give more to Google to what Google already recognizes?
Starting with Google Search Console, you can check your “Performance” and see all the search terms you’re getting “Impressions” for. So you can learn what people are typing to reach your site, filter by your top pages and explore those keywords. This is a great way to improve your existing content and optimize those posts by adding keywords that Google already recognizes.
I explain how to here:
Along with Google Analytics, you can focus in on your posts that are getting traffic, examine those posts with easy keyword research to drive even more traffic to those posts.
Step 2. Understand How to Do Effective Keyword Research
This is the important next step where you really start to hone in on those low competition keywords. From all your ideas you then pick those as seed keywords in your favorite keyword research tool.
Finding the best SEO keyword tool so you can distinguish between high competition and the more profitable low competition keywords can seem like an intimidating task. However, there are some useful keyword tools to help analyze and find those prized keywords with low competition.
I covered the ins and outs of free keyword tools vs paid keyword tools in this post. In summary, If you’re serious about ranking consistently on Google you need a quality google ranking tool. Paid tools are the best keyword research tools and something to consider. Paid keyword tools have features like keyword suggestion tool, keyword list generators, etc. and are the best way for how to choose keywords for SEO, and help you to do all this far easier. They have the technology to analyze data from various aspects so will give you a better estimate on the keyword competition and a range of other data essential to your success.
Personally, I use Jaaxy keyword research tool which is built solely for researching and analyzing keyword SEO. Jaaxy is an amazing keyword research tool. This tool is perfect for choosing keywords for SEO, it has loads of features including the alphabet of keyword suggestions, accurate search data, keyword list generator and competition analysis.
Compared to other keyword tools, the interface is less complicated (no graphs and excessive stats), provides only what you need and it is most suitable for beginners to intermediate users. Additionally, the fact that Jaaxy is integrated for free into a training platform that shows you exactly how to use it really puts it head and shoulders above the competition.
OK, so how do I research and find low competition keywords?
As referred to above, you’ll gather in related search terms but, most importantly for this step, you’ll get their search data, competition analysis, and overall quality.
Although not all keyword tools have the same options, hopefully you’ll understand the reasoning behind the settings as I show you how I do it with Jaaxy.
Example niche: Essential Oils
For example, I am a consumer of essential oils and do research into many markets to see where I can possibly make money online and help others to do this. So let’s say you were looking to explore the “essential oils” niche. Firstly let’s enter that into the Google Trend search bar and take a closer look.
Hey presto! Very rarely do I find one that is such a great opportunity as with essential oils. Take a look at this proof:
There are loads of niches within Essential Oils that I could target my blog to. Let’s brainstorm a little here. Aside from trends, just think about it – how many things can you use essential oils for? Thousands? They can be used to improve moods, reduce stress, ease pain, achy muscles etc…they can even be used as an addition to your cleaning supplies or as a mosquito repellent.
Then think about who is your potential market here – not just moms! Parents, girls, guys, healthy, sick, depressed, elderly people, young people…everyone!
Just taking the depressed as an example for your niche for a moment. What are depressed people often very interested in?
Finding solutions for their depression right, so let’s take a look at search results for “essential oils for depression”
As you can see Jaaxy pumps out just the exact data that I need.
There are a few things to focus on here for finding profitable keywords with low competition:
Firstly, what makes a profitable keyword with low competition?
Generally, there are 4 simple things to focus on:
- Average searches/month (AVG) >100 (less important than competition)
- Competition (QSR)* <100 (Golden if <50)
- The keyword makes grammatical sense
- Specific to what people are looking for (long tail search phrases)
*Competition is shown as QSR which stands for “Quoted Search Results”. It simply means the number of competing websites ranked in Google for this exact keyword.
The IDEAL keywords I look for are high in search (AVG > 100) and low in competition (QSR < 50). If you can’t find lower competition keywords, as a tip, the minimum I’d consider is traffic of at least AVG > 50. As you can see there are some great keywords from this simple keyword search on Jaaxy. Let me explain more on which are the most profitable…
Specific to what people are looking for. Put yourself in the shoes of someone searching on Google. Think of the detailed phrases that a potential customer might use to search online when ready to purchase. These detailed phrases are known as long tail keywords.
Image Courtesy of
As you can see, just by plugging keywords into Jaaxy keyword research tool it is ready-made for showing easy to rank keywords and by simply checking on each one your can easily make low competition keywords lists.
When your search is done, you’ll need to learn you how to select the great from the bad.
This brings us to our next stage, actually choosing the best keywords from the list.
How to choose the best keywords for SEO
How do you know which keywords are the best ones to select?
I’m going to term these keywords as diamond keywords. Diamond keywords are keywords that are easy to rank for and will bring in traffic and profit.
What Makes Up a Diamond Keyword?
* Diamond keyword… what is it? — you might be asking.
Here are the main considerations:
1. A solution or answer to what people are looking for
Again put yourself in the shoes of someone searching online, whу do реорlе ѕеаrсh оnlіnе? They’re looking for an аnѕwеr to their quеѕtіоnѕ or a solution to their problems.
So look at the keywords you find from a searcher’s perspective to address the intention behind that keyword:
What’s the searcher’s intention when they came to Google in the first place and used that particular search term? What are they looking for? How big is the problem they’re facing?
Remember the most important rule in marketing to a niche:
Find a question or a problem and offer a solution
The larger it is, the more likely people will spend money to solve it. Keyword targeting means choosing keyword and then writing content to solve the intention behind that keyword. So look for keywords that are likely a big problem for your niche market and you’ll surely drive people to your site.
2. Understanding where to focus in the customer buying cycle
In addition to solving a problem and the user intent, remember that you are also running an online business and your content should have some kind of information that appeals to people who are in the comparison and purchasing stages. So it’s important to consider the commercial intent of a keyword. Think about specific keyword modifiers that buyers are using. Using words like discount, review, comparison, versus and how to makes it easier to promote something to them without having to do the hard selling.
Buyer Keywords
These relate to buyer’s interest and intentions and hаvе thе hіghеѕt conversion rate from аll types оf keywords. People in the purchasing/action phase are the ones that are most profitable to us as internet marketers.
Here’s some Buyer Keywords examples: “buy [product name]” , “best price on [product name]”, “best buy”, “discount”, “promotion”, “best”, “top”, “best rated”, “top rated”, “best …… brands”, “review”, “comparison”, “VS”, “where to buy”, “how to…..with [product name]”. Using words like these makes it easier to promote something to them without having to do the hard selling. These types of keywords are going to be the golden ticket to monetizing your blog.
BONUS RESOURCE: Check out this extensive list of 200+ buyer keywords on this article.
Time to Dig for… Diamond Keywords
Keyword Research is like looking for diamonds in the rough.
Here you need to learn how to sort and filter through your keyword list the best way. I’m here to show you how.
Now that you know what makes up a diamond keyword, you need to filter the keyword list your keyword research tool gave you.
So keep these requirements in mind (along with applying what you learned in Step 2 earlier) you’re about to dig up some really great diamonds.
Filtering Your Keyword List and Winning Keyword Strategy
Understanding and filtering your keyword list is an essential task to find the keywords that are going to be the best for your niche website. So it is a key part of your keyword strategy.
Here’s a few tips to show you how to go about it.
1. Pass over the more competitive keywords
From your keyword list you should leave out the more obvious and competitive ones.
One or two word keywords are known as “Fat Head” search terms. These are general, broad, and are some of the most popular search terms out there. And with that popularity comes the highest amount of competition.
Examples of Fat Head Keywords are: “bicycles”, “dentist”, “shoes”, “mens shoes” or “computer”.
Even if you could ever beat the insane level of competition from big companies with unlimited marketing budgets and rank for them, the great deal of traffic would not convert that well anyway. They get high search volume but are imprecise or more broadly relevant to the topic.
People here are not who you’re looking for anyway, they are mostly looking for general information or just browsing around.
2. Look out for the mid competition “chunky middle” keywords
If you’re trying to find a Primary Keyword for your niche site, take a look at the mid-competition keywords and consider using come.
These аrе knоwn as “Body” terms аnd usually hаvе two tо thrее word kеуwоrdѕ like “essential oils”,“golf clubs”, “discount iPhone accessories”.
Ranking for these keywords would bring in targeted, qualified traffic from people getting ready to make a purchase.
3. Choose loads of low competition long tail keywords
This is where you’ll get greatest return for your efforts. I’ll explain why in a moment, but for now, you should search for as many long tail search phrases as you can find and add them to your keyword list.
As I mentioned earlier, put yourself in the shoes of someone searching on Google. Long tail keywords usually have four or more words such as “best essential oils for depression”, or in the case of a niche for children “best essential oils for calming children”. Other еxаmрlеѕ lіkе “how to sleep with essential oils”, “how to use lavender essential oil for sleep” or “mens shoes to wear with shorts”.
Since long tail keywords are much more specific, Traffic coming from long tail keywords is very focused. People already know what they want and almost have their credit cards ready to buy something. They just need that last little nudge.
So you should pick as many of these as you can, those with the highest traffic obviously better. The search volume will be lower but doesn’t really matter. (I’ll explain why below)
Why Using Long Tail Keywords is Profitable
Why should you be using long tail keywords more often in your website content? This is where you’ll get greatest return for your efforts. Because they rank higher and quicker and have higher conversions than regular keywords of 3 or fewer words, these are the “fat head” and “chunky middle” keywords I discussed earlier. They also rank quicker because they are usually low competition and more specific. A potential buyer is more likely to use a long tail, which is why they make up 70% of all search queries. So focus on 4 word count or more so that the search phrase sounds more specific – meaning what someone in your niche would be looking for on search engines.
Long tail search phrases can have very few searches per month, but when you add them together you’ll find they comprise the vast majority of all the online search traffic.
From the example search above, “best essential oils for anxiety and depression” has low competition which means easier rankings.
But what’s even more valuable about long tail keywords is that they make it much, much easier to attract qualified traffic.
Since long tail keywords are much more specific, they allow you to build pages that are much more optimized for conversions and contain content that is much more actionable for users.
So using loads of long tail keywords with very low competition is the secret to getting higher rankings in Google and other search engines and bringing in more qualified traffic to your website.
When a website uses a lot of long tail keywords Google takes notice, because other than them being 70% of search queries, long tails are more user-friendly. As I am sure you are probably aware of by now, when a website has great User Experience (UX), Google rewards that website with better SEO rankings.
A website that uses many long tail keywords tend to get more interaction and this all ties into a good UX. So not only will people alone like your site, this makes the Google algorithm happy, so Google will like your site too.
This is not to say that all of your keywords have to be long tail, but the more you use them, the better your SEO will be. Greater than 80% of website pages and posts that have made it to Google page 1, have a long tail keyword as the title and appears in the key areas.
That’s why long tail keywords with low competition are also known as the low hanging fruit of SEO. The more low hanging fruit keywords you include in your articles, the more you’ll keep traffic growing.
This is what this means:
With more targeted traffic there comes more leads, commissions, and sales… so more MONEY to you.
Search Volume for Long Tail Keywords Is Less Important
The great thing about organic traffic is that there’s always new keyword opportunities on tap for you.
Why? As more people use Google to search for specific things in their lives every day, new long tail keywords are being “discovered” daily. So each of these carries powerful potential for your content to promote a new idea, service or a product to a new audience.
Thіѕ “search еvоlutіоn” wіll gо оn forever as lоng аѕ there is the internet аnd іt іѕ only going to get bеttеr fоr уоu as you learn how to find the best keywords for SEO to rank on Google by using the criteria and the tools that i’ve shared in this article.
So you shouldn’t focus too much on the amount of search volume when choosing your keywords. But you do need to be mindful of the competition.
Because as more and more people search, the “search evolution” just keeps rolling on like the waves in the ocean. To catch these waves, keywords with even low searches can still generate lots of traffic.
Let’s look at your competition.
How to Analyze Your Keyword Competition
As I mentioned earlier, you do need to care more about your keyword competition rather than the amount of search volume. Your time is precious so we want to make sure your can rank on search engines before all your effort in writing your articles.
Let’s learn how to do this.
Only the top 10 results matter.
If you’re concerned because you found out that there are hundreds of posts using the same keyword, don’t let that concern you.
Focus your attention on only the top 10 Google search results and ignore the rest.
The reasons are simple:
If you can rank above those top 10 pages, you’ll be ranking above all of them.
Pro Tip: In addition to Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool, what is really handy here is to install MozBar on Google Chrome. It’s a free extension from the Google Chrome website, you can simply type in “MozBar” in Google, follow the easy steps and create a free account.
Now that we’ve covered that part, type your keyword you found into Google and look at the MozBar results. I’ll walk you through what you should pay attention to when you’re doing your competition analysis to learn your chances of actually ranking high.
1. Domain Authority and Page Authority
Looking at the MozBar results, look at the top 10 spots in Google for your keyword to find articles with a Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA) of less than 30, ideally under 20.
Ideal results: This is super important, you need at least TWO WEBSITES with a PA and DA under 30 (preferably 20).
Why? Looking here, the goal initially isn’t to outrank your competition, rather, it’s a tool you’ll use to prove to yourself that you can rank for that keyword as well as they did!
Looking at the competition, once their PA gets over 40, it gets really competitive so things start to get pretty hard.
2. Relevancy
Look for exact match as your target keyword in the following 3 places:
- Title
- How many exact matches are there to your keyword?
- Are all the search results on the same topic as the keyword?
- Does the URL contain any of the keywords that you are considering?
- Are there many URLs that you can’t replicate? For example are there lots of e-commerce sites? Or .gov sites?
- Are forum posts featured?
- SEO Description
Ideal results: For Title <5 exact matches on keyword. Multiple articles are not on the same topic as the keyword.
Ideal results: For URL <3 URLs contain any of the keyword. Multiple articles are not on the same topic as the keyword. There are no bias in the sites featured to sites you can’t replicate and forum posts are featured.
If any of the search results shown in Google’s first page are not using these on-page SEO techniques, іt mеаnѕ they aren’t орtіmіzіng their articles around your target keywords or perhaps not doing SEO at all.
They got there just because they referred to your keyword accidentally or by chance.
Your chances of outranking them are VERY HIGH.
Pages that are not entirely relevant usually rank because they get the benefit from the authority of the root domain. Examples of this are inner pages from forums, Q&A sites and article directories.
Note: Other Red Flag search engine results page (SERP) elements would be:
– several sites with high page authority (above 40), loads of back links and older domain age.
– ads (almost) cover above the fold (meaning what you see before you scroll down)
3. Weak Sites and Other Niche Websites
Weak Sites in SERP…Hooray! Check which types of pages are ranking in the top 10 Google search results.
If a weak site is ranking it means your chances of ranking high are also great – you can outrank them easily
As touched on in Relevancy, examples of weak sites are:.
– niche review site (if there’s someone doing the same thing as you and ranking, that shows you your niche site will probably get there too)
– Q&A Sites (Quora etc), these are low value, easy to outrank
– Forum posts e.g. Yahoo Answers
– Blogspot post
– social URL e.g. Facebook and Twitter posts
– Article directories e.g. eZine
So if you see handful of these in SERP then you stand a great chance to outrank them
4. Final step: Write higher quality articles that are better than your competitors’ articles!
I use a tool like Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool, specifically “Search Analysis” to show the key metrics they have for the competition. If you are in business, it’s important to see what the competition is doing. You can know WHO is ranking for your desired keywords, and what they are ranking with. Search Analysis show you the current top ranking posts for that keyword in Google, Bing and Yahoo. You can see the top ranked sites for that keyword and then click on “Details” to get their stats as well.
Jaaxy Search Analysis shows their meta description, word count, links on site, back links, Alexa rank and if they are running Google Adsense.
So for example, if you see the top 8-10 positions for your keyword idea are held by big authority sites, and you’re seeing that these posts contain 5,000+ words and belong to website with tons of back links, this should tell you to change your decision to choose that keyword. It would be very tough for a post from a new site to rank above these authority sites.
However, if you see just a few authority sites in the top 10, with other sites in the ranking showing word counts of around 1,000 and fewer signs of authority, this means you can publish quality content with a higher word count and rank above them! Say if the first search result only had 1,000 or so words. Imagine putting together a great, quality post (2,000 words or more) going into great detail and most importantly… Answering the searchers question and satisfying the searchers intent.
After choosing my keywords and when writing the article, the main things I focus on are the word count and producing higher quality content that answers the searchers questions.
Your site can eventually rank number 1 because you are the best and most relevant option out there. You solve the searchers intent…making Google look good and you rank higher!
Jaaxy Search Analysis to analyze the top 10 results
Criteria of a Winning Keyword
To make this easier and clearer to understand, your winning keyword should be like this:
- At least two of the results have both Page Authority and Domain Authority less than 30, and also…
- Not all results use the exact keyword in title, URL and SEO description (100% of the words in any order).
- Thеrе ѕhоuld bе weak types of sites in the top 10 results
In addition to what I highlighted earlier:
- Competition (QSR)* <100 (Golden if <50)
- The keyword makes grammatical sense
- Specific to what people are looking for (long tail search phrases)
If you find a keyword with all of these criteria you have just found a winning diamond keyword.
How I Find my Profitable, Low Competition Keywords with Jaaxy
Once you understand how to do keyword research the right way you can do it for very easily, it becomes second nature after a while!
You simply need to make use of some of the techniques and tools I’ve already mentioned to:
- Get keyword ideas
- Check their search volume (you can do it on Jaaxy which is very accurate), and
- Analyze the top 10 competition for your keyword.
- Using automated keyword finder tools such as Jaaxy makes it all much faster and more efficient (less prone to human error).
How to use Jaaxy
Step 1: Enter my target (seed) keyword idea in Jaaxy search
in this example “essential oils for depression”
Take note of keywords listed down the page, at this stage focusing on grammatical sense, traffic (AVG) and competition (QSR). Sorting the AVG columns from high to low helps. I then start looking at all the keywords showing as “Great” in the Keyword Quality Indicator (KQI).
Jaaxy also spits out “Related” keywords to my target keyword. I scan down these and click on any that are of interest.
Step 2: Save Great Keywords to a list
Simply checking on the box to the left of each keyword suggestion, I can save as many keywords to a list. I would name this list “Essential Oils for depression”.
Then I would add some of the buyer keywords I referred to earlier and also save those to the list. For example, “best”, “top rated”, “how to beat depression with essential oils” etc.
Step 3: Alphabet Soup For More Keyword Ideas
If you can’t come up with keyword ideas, don’t fret Jaaxy has you covered.
This alphabet soup is very powerful:
Jaaxy’s “alphabet soup” feature finds all kinds of variations to your keyword/topic, giving you the entire alphabet to find them. All you need to do is enter one keyword/topic and then drag the slider which represents the alphabet from A to Z.
Jaaxy gives you keyword suggestions based on the alphabet letter you choose. Powerful idea generator, right?
For example, I typed in the keyword “essential oils for depression” in the screenshot and my slider is set at alphabet “B”.
Jaaxy has given me keyword suggestions like “what are the best essential oils for anxiety and depression” and “best 5 essential oils for depression”, etc. These are ideas and keywords that I may not have thought of myself,
- Pro tip: Spend some time using alphabet soup. This is a great way to find a goldmine of related keywords. Save them to lists by clicking the “Add” under “Brainstorm” tab to check them out for your current post or future articles.
Step 4: See Your Competition MozBar then Jaaxy’s Search Analysis
See the section above “How to Analyze Your Keyword Competition”. To recap, type your target keywords into Google with MozBar on. Looking at the MozBar results, look at the top 10 results in Google for your keyword to find articles with a Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA) of less than 30, ideally under 20.
- At least two of the results have both Page Authority and Domain Authority less than 30, and also…
- Not all results use the exact keyword in title, URL and SEO description (100% of the words in any order).
- There should be weak types of sites in the top 10 results.
Then I analyze those search results further in Jaaxy’s Search Analysis as I’ve shown above.
5. Final step: Write higher quality articles that are better than your competitors’ articles!
As I covered above, Imagine putting together a great, quality post (2,000 words or more) going into great detail and most importantly… Answering the searchers question and satisfying the searchers intent.
After choosing my keywords and when writing the article, the main things I focus on are the word count and producing higher quality content that answers the searchers questions.
Your site can eventually rank number 1 because you are the best and most relevant option out there. You solve the searchers intent…making Google look good and you rank higher!
Wrapping Up, Why I Love Jaaxy
Hopefully by now you already know how to find profitable keywords with low competition after this detailed post.
You saw what is a diamond keyword and how to analyze your keyword competition.
I showed you how long tail keyword research can get you the low hanging fruit of SEO that gets you ranked in search engines and bring you tons of free targeted traffic. With more targeted traffic you get more leads, commissions, and sales… so more MONEY to you.
To achieve this in the fastest way, I use Jaaxy keyword research tool which is built solely for researching and analyzing keyword SEO. Jaaxy is an amazing keyword research tool and I recommend it over all others. This tool is perfect for choosing keywords for SEO, it has loads of features including the alphabet of keyword suggestions, accurate search data, keyword list generator, competition analysis, and site rank tracking.
Compared to other keyword tools, the interface is less complicated (no graphs and excessive stats), provides only what you need and it is most suitable for beginners to intermediate users. Additionally, the fact that Jaaxy is integrated for free into a training platform that shows you exactly how to use it really puts it head and shoulders above the competition.
Want Jaaxy Completely FREE? Create Your Free starter account with Wealthy Affiliate training platform and mentoring community and it’s Included at Nо Cost! Inside the community you’ll learn how to find low competition keywords free using Jaaxy, get this free keyword competition checker and learn every aspect of building your own profitable online business.
Hey, Jaaxy has helped me to achieve loads of posts on page 1 of search results, and yes the coveted Google Page 1 Position 1 !
Would you like that? It can help you too.
Has this post helped you understand How to find profitable keywords with low competition to rank on google? Also, do you see how to find low competition keywords with high traffic and how using Jaaxy keyword research tool can help you? You can easily check keyword competitiveness and generate low competition keywords lists and find easy to rank keywords. Arе you rеаdу tо do keyword research free? What kind of keyword research have you done before? What keyword research tips would you like to learn? Share your experiences, keyword tips and questions below in the comments section. I еnjоу аnѕwеrіng your questions, I’ll always respond and am available to help you in any way I can.
About John Stanley
Jоhn іѕ a Fаthеr, Husband, Entrерrеnеur аnd Internet Mаrkеtіng Suрроrt Cоасh. Evеr ѕіnсе hе ѕtаrtеd hіѕ Onlіnе Buѕіnеѕѕ he lоvеѕ wоrkіng frоm аnуwhеrе аnd thе lарtор lіfеѕtуlе. Thіѕ means bеіng сlоѕеr tо our сhіld аѕ ѕhе grоwѕ uр. When hе’ѕ nоt buіldіng wеbѕіtеѕ, hе’ѕ ѕреndіng рrесіоuѕ time wіth оur lіttlе girl аnd fаmіlу, еxеrсіѕіng аnd еnjоуѕ trаvеlіng. Follow me: Twitter · Instagram · Facebook
Keyword research, without a wonderful keyword research tool, is a long, complicated, and boring thing. Jaaxy, is the best keyword search tool on the market. Compare it to one of the most popular tools: Google’s AdWords Planner. This tool is cost – free, but it will not give you a good ranking for your website, as it lacks the information you need. AdWords planner does not show you the competitor statistics that use the same keyword.
Thanks for writing this article on how to find profitable keywords with low competition. I really find this article helpful in how to make decisions on the website I am creating right now. Because I have been looking for keywords for my blog. And as we all know that this is one of the basic steps that can make you have advantage over your competitors.
And I must say jaaxy is the best keyword tools. I say this because I have been trying many keywords in it lately and it has been so helpful.
I absolutely love this insightful article because it is full of great information. This is fascinating and interesting to me. I joined affiliate marketing weeks ago and I have been planning to have my niche blog. What makes me most afraid is getting any Google ranking. But thanks for showing me what you do next and the usage of Jaxxy. This article is really helpful on using the best keyword to separate me from my competitors. Thanks for the insight. Best regards
I quite enjoyed this post on keyword research. It has been enlightening, and my thoughts have been broadly expanded. I like that you’ve explained it really well, I knew about low hanging fruits, however I did not know about diamond keywords. It makes a lot of sense to explore low competition keywords using long tail keywords, that have good low hanging fruits. Thanks for the information, regards.
Finding keywords at times can be a really simple task for those that know how to do it but for beginners, it might be a bit difficult. Finding keywords is one thing but understanding your competition making use of that keyword is another thing entirely.
This would require some good knowledge because even after I have spent some time online I am not still perfect at doing this. Tools like Jaaxy can make finding good keywords to be really easy and it is a tool I encourage people to make use of. But in understanding how the competition works would require some additional skills one would have to learn and it is a good thing that your post explains so well that there are tools out there that can assist in doing this.
This is a must for all bloggers to read, because there are tons of secrets in this post.
Thank you for this post. This is more or less like a refresher course to me. I am new into affiliate marketing but yet to have a good grip of this businesses. After few years of ups and downs, I got to know that a continual search for knowledge to improve your niche is very important.
Another important thing is originality and perseverance to make your style unique .
Thanks for the eye opener
This article is written with a very easy and understandable language.
I liked your article most because this is informative one. You have provided steps about how can I find low competition keywords of value. I have a food blogging website and I need less competition there. Less competition will help me to bring my blogging site to the first rank.
From your article I’ve learnt some basic things like I’ve to keep my keywords long tail and that will help the readers to find my blog easily on google. Here I see an affiliate page about a training platform called Wealthy Affiliate and I’ve heard about it. They are providing better training. I would like to join Wealthy Affiliate very soon to train myself. How much will it cost to join in Wealthy Affiliate? Can you tell me in details?
Overall, thanks a lot for writing this amazing article.
Keywords are very essential in drawing out a niche and also it’s one of the best ways to get people to locate your website. This is why your review about keywords is an important one and I’m grateful for it.
With your review I just got the best ways to get keywords. Thanks for this very article, it’s been very helpful.
Thank you Jay for your perspectives.
Yes I too felt the same way that finding keywords was easy enough using this great tool.
But with keyword competitiveness rising, that understanding how to find low competition keywords with high traffic is all the more important. Otherwise you can spend hours and hours researching, writing, optimising and promoting your posts – but if your keyword choice is too competitive, you simply won’t rank.
Some might think it takes years to learn how to find profitable keywords with low competition to rank on Google and that it is beyond most ordinary people. NOT SO. I show how easy it is to use and all the features and benefits in my full Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review. Jaaxy is completely FREE within the Wealthy Affiliate Membership. The fact that you get Jaaxy Lite which is loaded with all the features you need, makes it incredible value. Also you’ll learn every aspect of building your own online business there.
Wishing you success online
I always love to read about keywords, how to generate them and how to find profitable keywords with low competition. I know that this is like my gateway to success when it comes to traffic generation and converting this to money. And this article contains even more keyword tools that I have never even come across.
I’m grateful I found this, bookmarking right away for future consultations.
Thanks for chiming in Louis, I’m glad you have learned about the value in exploring low competition keywords using long tail keywords to find those diamond keywords.
It’s an exciting journey. when you use Jaaxy and these techniques to rank your blog articles on first pages of Google, Yahoo and Bing. It’s very exciting and I wish you success in your own online journey.
That’s great Adamu, I’m glad you enjoyed my techniques on how to find profitable keywords with low competition.
When you use Jaaxy and these techniques to rank your blog articles on first pages of Google, Yahoo and Bing. It’s very exciting to rank ahead of your competition and I wish you success in your own online journey.
Great post!! This has helped explain so much about keywords and how to find profitable keywords. I love the alphabet soup technique, I was just not understanding the importance of long keywords before watching that. I never thought of the buyer keywords, good tip. I am going to bookmark this post to refer to again, so much information!! Thank you!
That’s great, I’m glad you enjoyed the post.
It sounds like you’re beginning your journey online. When you use Jaaxy and these techniques to rank your blog articles on first pages of Google, Yahoo and Bing. It’s very exciting to rank ahead of your competition and I wish you success in your own online journey.
Hello John!
Your article “How to Find Profitable Keywords with Low Competition” gave me a great insight. You have explained everything in great details. You have described how to find keyword using brainstorming, forum, social media, google instant and Jaaxy. Strategy of finding keword by AVG>100, QSR<100, kewords having grammatical sense and long tail keyword are the key to finding the most profitable keywords.
With the help of all your graph and illustrations you have made it more understandable.
Thanks for sharing this post and I would like to hear more from you.
Thanks for chiming in.
Yes not only can keyword research be complicated. But if you don’t do it properly and overlook keyword competitiveness, your articles simply won’t rank and you’ll be wasting your time.
As for Goolge’s Adwords Planner (Google Keyword Planner), I agree that it lacks the information you need. Not only it doesn’t provide you with exact search data. Rather, it only gives you a range. But more importantly, ‘Competition’ metric isn’t reliable for SEO because it only shows how many advertisers are bidding for their ads and that has nothing to do with (organic) ranking difficulty. So I agree with you that it serves very little purpose for you.
I covered the ins and outs of Google Keyword Planner vs Jaaxy Keyword Tool in this post.
Jaaxy keyword research tool has loads of features like keyword suggestion tool, keyword list generators, etc. and is the best way for how to find profitable keywords with low competition, and help you to do all this far easier.
That’s great, I’m glad you enjoyed the post and thank you for your kind words.
It sounds like you’re still learning with your journey online. When you use Jaaxy and these techniques to rank your blog articles on first pages of Google, Yahoo and Bing. It’s very exciting to rank ahead of your competition and I wish you success in your own online journey.
Keep up the good work and if you ever have any questions, feel free to reach out.
Hey Tushar, thanks for your kind words and I’m glad you enjoyed the article.
Yes long tail keywords are your friend and if your focus on solving the searchers intent in coming to Google and other search engines, then you are along way there.
So you know keyword research is so important in how to find low competition keywords free.
Jaaxy is completely FREE within the Wealthy Affiliate Membership. Wealthy Affiliate (full details here) is FREE to start then costs only $49/month for premium which is the same price as Jaaxy Pro on a stand alone bases, i show all this in my full Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review. AND the fact that you get Jaaxy Lite which is loaded with all the features you need, makes it incredible value. AND Yes Wealthy Affiliate teaches you about blogging, how to write blogs and how to use Jaaxy to write those blogs and everything you need to build your own profitable online business from scratch! I highly recommend it!
If you ever have any more questions, don’t hesitate to contact me
Thanks so much Seyi for your kind words!
I’m glad you enjoyed my article. If you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me
Thanks so much Vapz for your kind words!
I’m glad you enjoyed my article and that you love to read about keywords. Me too! I’ve covered even more in my full Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review. If you ever have any questions or want keyword tips, don’t hesitate to contact me
Thanks so much Anita for your kind words!
I’m glad you enjoyed my article and that you’ll be bookmarking my post to learn and apply how to find profitable keywords with low competition. Yes the Alphabet Soup Technique is an eyeopener when I was first starting out and it’s simply an endless way to find easy to rank keywords.
If you ever have any questions or want keyword tips, don’t hesitate to contact me 🙂
Hello Amod! Thanks so much for your kind words!
I’m glad you enjoyed my article and that you learned a lot about how to find profitable keywords with low competition.
You are welcome back to my site anytime, I have loads of other content to help people wanting to learn about building your own profitable online business, blogging, and affiliate marketing.
I’ll keep posting new content too. If you ever have any questions or want keyword tips, don’t hesitate to contact me 🙂
Your post is so on target. keywords are so important because this in part determines the success of our online business. It is so amazing how long tail keywords are more used and targeted than short tail keywords. Keywords are the lifeblood of this type of business and so it is so important that we understand these keywords knowing also where to find them.
This is awesome. I used to think making it to the top of Google ranking is difficult. I never knew it is simple like this. The article made me realize that it’s not a rocket science. I’m very happy to read this, many are out there selling this knowledge, asking for people to pay before they can explain and put one through, here is a self explanatory post about it. With this post you have helped a lot of people out there. Thanks for this.
Thanks so much Norman! I really appreciate your insightful comments.
Keywords are the lifeblood of this business and Jaaxy is a lifesaver! in understanding everything about keywords and exactly where to find them. Wishing you success online.
Hello Marshall! Thanks so much for your kind words and especially that you thought it could be sold!
I’m glad you enjoyed my article and that you learned a lot about how to find profitable keywords with low competition.
If you ever have any questions or want keyword tips, don’t hesitate to contact me. Wishing you success online!
John, this post covers everything a new blogger needs to know to get ranked with targeted keywords! Jaaxy is a very powerful platform to use to be successful. I love that you can get a starter trial and search 30 keywords for free! This truly shows the power of the system and how helpful it will be for anyone’s blog research! Thanks for the information.
Hey Tamar, thanks for your kind words and I’m glad you enjoyed the article.
Yes long tail keywords that are targeted to focus on solving the searchers intent in coming to Google are a key to getting ranked on Google and other search engines .
So you know keyword research is so important in how to find low competition keywords free.
Yes that’s right, you can get a completely free starter account with Jaaxy THEN Jaaxy is completely FREE within the Wealthy Affiliate Membership. Wealthy Affiliate (full details here) is FREE to start then costs only $49/month for premium which is the same price as Jaaxy Pro on a stand alone bases, i show all this in my full Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review. AND the fact that you get Jaaxy Lite which is loaded with all the features you need, makes it incredible value. Also Wealthy Affiliate teaches you about blogging, how to write blogs and how to use Jaaxy to write those blogs and everything you need to build your own profitable online business from scratch! I highly recommend it!
Wishing you success online
You have a wealth of great information here on how to find low competition keywords. You have really done your homework and provide many valuable sources and insights. Thanks so much.
That’s a ton of good information! I am an affiliate marketer and although I know some techniques for keyword research, I learned a lot from your post. I bookmarked your website so I can return to it to read it more thoroughly. I’m having information overload (this is not a bad thing at all!!!)… Thanks for this post!
Thanks so much Joseph! I really appreciate your compliments and glad you learned some valuable insights.
Keywords are the lifeblood of this business and Jaaxy is a lifesaver! in understanding everything about keywords and exactly where to find them. Wishing you success online.
Thanks so much Reyhana! I’m really glad you learned a lot about keyword research from my post.
Keywords are the lifeblood of any affiliate marketing or blogging business and Jaaxy is a lifesaver! in understanding everything about keywords and exactly where to find them.
Wishing you success online.