Learning how to increase traffic on your website free can boost your income substantially and be the difference between earning consistent weekly income and earning nothing in your online business. How do you do this? Learning how to Find the Best Keywords for SEO to Rank on Google creates true organic web traffic. Traffic flowing free from search engines is the best traffic and always beats traffic you have to pay for.

The most challenging part of running a business website is getting traffic to the site. Whether your business is a blog or an online store, everyone agrees that getting traffic is one of the most crucial factors when it comes to leveraging the internet as an income producing resource. Traffic brings people to your site, gives your brand attention and most importantly, converting readers into customers is how you make money.
In order to generate traffic, you need content and in order to create content, you need to learn how to find the best keywords for SEO. Keyword competitiveness is rising so this is one of the hardest things for beginners to achieve. Why? Confusing? Tedious to learn?
What if I showed you how to find the best keywords for SEO to rank on google in a simple way that you could easily do yourself from here on?
In this post, I’m going to show you exactly how to find the best keywords, quickly and easily, and how to use them in your blog posts so that you too can dominate in Google search. I will show you my technique for doing this and with the right SEO keyword research tools that make this easier than you’d think!
How to Find the Best Keywords for SEO to Rank on Google – What Is Keyword Research and Why It Matters
Keywords are a word or a phrase that people type into search engines. People use words or phrases to find things they are looking for online and there are BILLIONS of keywords out there. So as a blogger, affiliate marketer or any business, it is critical that you get your content seen in those searches to get you traffic.
Keyword research is basically a keyword selection strategy that looks at the search volume (market demand) and the search results (market competition) to determine which keywords you can potentially rank for on the first page of Google.
Why is this important? Well the key to receiving traffic through Google is to get ranked on the first page, because first page websites get over 90% of Google traffic. Most people just don’t really bother going beyond the first page. So if you are on page two and beyond, your traffic is going to be very low or none. So the top 10 spots is the goal and if you can land in the top 3, even better.
There are other factors that can affect this ranking position, such as on-page and off-page SEO, but the essential starting point is your keyword choices.
How to Find the Best Keywords for SEO to Rank on Google

How to choose keywords for SEO is critical to your success online. Before we go any further, let me explain what makes the best keywords.
The 6 Criteria for the Best Keywords
1) Relevant. The context of the words has to be relevant to the subject matter of the niche. If you think about a person coming to Google, they type in what they are looking for.
For example, in an essential oils niche, you want to be using words like healing properties, frequencies and fragrances. On the other hand, in a children’s learning niche, words like best learning tablet, development or age milestones would make sense. I know this sounds basic, but I’ve seen many times where new sites would just use keywords that are utterly irrelevant to their targeted audience and it makes me wonder why.
Remember Keywords are YOUR WAY of capturing highly relevant and engaged visitors to your website. Always keep in mind, who is your target audience and how can your help them?
2) Specific to what people are looking for. Put yourself in the shoes of someone searching on Google. Think of the detailed phrases that a potential customer might use to search online when ready to purchase. These detailed phrases are known as long tail keywords.
Image Courtesy of HitTail.com
Why should you be using long tail keywords more often in your website content? Because they rank higher and quicker than regular keywords of 3 or fewer words, also known as “fat head” and “chunky middle” keywords. They also rank quicker because they are usually low competition and more specific. A potential buyer is more likely to use a long tail, which is why they make up 70% of all search queries. So Focus on 4 word count or more so that the search phrase sounds more specific – meaning what someone in your niche would be looking for on search engines.
So instead of using a broad word like ‘weight loss’ people are actually asking things like ‘how can I lose weight and still eat food’ or ‘burn fat quickly at home without diet pills’ which can offer them more insights. Likewise, a longer structure also helps you to write articles that people actually want to read.
When a website uses a lot of long tail keywords Google takes notice, because other than them being 70% of search queries, long tails are more user-friendly. As I am sure you are probably aware of by now, when a website has great User Experience (UX), Google rewards that website with better SEO rankings.
A website that uses many long tail keywords tend to get more interaction and this all ties into a good UX, which makes the Google algorithm happy. This is not to say that all of your keywords have to be long tail, but the more you use them, the better your SEO will be. Greater than 80% of website pages and posts that have made it to Google page 1, have a long tail keyword as the title and appears in the key areas.
3) Clear user intent. The meaning of the words should clearly display a user intent instead of one that is subject to vague/different interpretations. People go online all the time to search for information specifically that helps to solve a problem, explore ideas or get things done. So think along these scenarios when you are choosing and filtering keywords.
So focus on how people actually search the internet, not only do they type in long tail keywords, but it is their intent.
If I search for “Best affiliate marketing course,” it’s because I’m specifically searching for information on the courses available.
And if you’ve done the proper keyword research your content has a great chance of getting top rankings in the search engines.
Then once you’ve been seen – you now need to connect with that person (people) behind that search.
Then it’s your content that makes that connection. It provides the solution, information or item they’ve been looking for.
So your content has to be engaging, useful and informative. And it’s essential that you write your content with Intent.
Meaning, being clear on what action do you want your reader to take when they read your content.
4) Understanding where to focus in the customer buying cycle. In addition to the user intent, remember that you are also running an online business and your content should have some kind of information that appeals to people who are in the comparison and purchasing stages. Using words like discount, review, comparison, versus and how to makes it easier to promote something to them without having to do the hard selling.
5) Keyword must get SOME traffic. Ideally you will choose a keyword that gets over 50 monthly searches. You’ll need to use a keyword tool to see this.
6) Low Competition. Finally, use keywords that have low competition/difficulty and for that purpose, again you’ll need to use a keyword tool to analyze some data. You could try both free keyword tools and paid keyword tools, but keep in mind that each company has their own way of processing this data so learning this is important.

Also, note that no tools are going to guarantee ‘exact’ results because these figures change on a daily basis as more web pages are being added to the internet and new keywords are being discovered. Therefore, your choice of tool depends on what you need, how much budget you have and how serious you are about ranking in google.
Applying all these criteria in keyword research, these keywords are called “low hanging fruit” keywords. Choosing them correctly is how to get your content consistently on page 1 of the search engine results page (SERP).
With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the popular keyword tools out there.
Free Keyword Tool
The Google Keyword Planner is probably one of the popular choices for researching keywords, especially if you are targeting a certain location and doing paid advertising. You can easily access the tool by creating a Google Ads account and run a few searches to see what are the popular keywords in your niche.
You can set up an Ads account and pause your first ad campaign (which Google forces you to create in your brand new account and does require you to enter your credit card details). A paused campaign won’t appear in live search results or cost you any money. Just make sure to turn it off right away.
However, there are 3 main problems:
1. It doesn’t provide you with exact search data. Rather, it only gives you a range. (E.g. The number of searches for a particular keyword is 1K-10K per month)
2. This Keyword Planner is mainly for people who are doing Google Ads so all the functions and data are geared towards keyword research for Google Pay Per Click (PPC). Note that Keyword research for PPC is very different from keyword research for SEO.
3. ‘Competition’ metric isn’t reliable for SEO because it only shows how many advertisers are bidding for their ads and that has nothing to do with (organic) ranking difficulty. So it serves very little purpose for you.
There are loads of other free keyword tools but they simply don’t have all the features and benefits of paid keyword tools.
Paid Keyword Tools
If you are serious about ranking consistently on Google you need a quality google ranking tool. Paid tools are something to consider. Paid keyword tools have features like keyword list generators, keyword suggestion tool etc. and are the best way for how to choose keywords for SEO, and equip you to do all this far easier. They have the technology to analyze data from various aspects so will give you a better estimate on the keyword competition and a range of other data essential to your success.
SEMRush is a keyword suite that has been in the market for a long time. They have a keyword research tool with loads of features and is targeted to suit experienced and heavy users.
Pricing plans – Pro $99.95/month, Guru $199.95/month and Business $399.95/month. So this is expensive!
Free Trial – Available, between 7 to 30 days
Another premium tool which produces one of the largest amount of keyword suggestions, especially long tail variations and has some advanced metrics that most competitors don’t provide. Again it’s geared towards agencies and heavy users.
Pricing plans – (Monthly) Lite $99, Standard $179, Advanced $399 and Agency $999; annual plans get 2 months for free.
No free trial – 7 day costs $7
Moz’s Keyword Explorer is another premium tool that has a range of metrics. They are summarized into volume, difficulty, organic click through rates and an overall priority. Keyword suggestions are useful and the SERP Analysis is convenient. Overall it’s simpler and less overwhelming than Ahrefs.
Pricing plans – (Monthly) Standard $99, Medium $179, Large $399 and Premium $999.
Free trial – 30 days
Jaaxy Keyword Tool
Jaaxy is built solely for researching and analyzing keyword SEO. Jaaxy is an amazing keyword research tool. This tool is perfect for choosing keywords for SEO, it has loads of features including the alphabet of keyword suggestions, accurate search data, keyword list generator and competition analysis.
As you can see, the interface is less complicated (no graphs and excessive stats), provides only what you need and it is most suitable for beginners to intermediate users. Additionally, the fact that Jaaxy is integrated for free into a training platform that shows you exactly how to use it really puts it head and shoulders above the competition.
Pricing plans – Free, Pro $49/month and Enterprise $99/month
Within Wealthy Affiliate Training Platform ‘Jaaxy Lite’ is FREE and the best bargain. By being a member of this training community you’ll also get more than 50% off the Pro and Enterprise versions of Jaaxy
Free Trial – Available for 30 searches
In this review, I show you how to use Jaaxy to Find the Best Keywords for SEO to Rank on Google and all the other benefits.
Try Jaaxy Free and Start Fіndіng Lоw Hаngіng Fruіt Kеуwоrdѕ Nоw!
Take Jaaxy for a free test drive right now! You can build unlimited traffic when you’re using a powerful keyword analysis tool like Jaaxy correctly. Traffic is essential to your revenue, and Jaaxy is the best keyword research tool for SEO you’ll find online. Just enter a keyword below to run a free search.
What Does Organic Traffic Look Like
Using the right keywords AND optimizing them for SEO in your content can drive a lot of traffic to your site. To show this, here’s a snapshot of my traffic sources on a day in March 2019 when I did nothing to my website and no social media. As you can see, organic traffic contributes the biggest percentage and best of all, it’s free.
Of course, these numbers won’t just magically happen by itself overnight. It takes time and effort to choose the right keywords that are most relevant to my niche AND consistently creating quality content that helps people by providing the information, solution or item they’ve been looking for.
Along this exciting journey, my website gets ranked for more keywords than I would have ever thought of and that is how traffic gradually grows.
You Too Can Learn Keyword Research for SEO
OK, when you first start out, it may seem impossible to rank for anything or trump the big websites, and that’s only natural because your website is still new. It does not mean that you’ll never rank at all. The great thing about organic traffic is that there’s always new keyword opportunities on tap for you.
Why? As more people use Google to search for specific things in their lives every day, new long tail keywords are being ‘discovered’ daily. So each of these carries powerful potential for your content to promote a new idea, service or a product to a new audience.
Thіѕ ‘search еvоlutіоn’ wіll gо оn forever as lоng аѕ there is the internet аnd іt іѕ only going to get bеttеr fоr уоu as you learn how to find the best keywords for SEO to rank on Google by using the criteria and the tools that i’ve shared in this article.
Want Jaaxy Completely FREE? Create Your Free Starter Account With Wealthy Affiliate and It’s Included at Nо Cost!
Jaaxy is fully integrated seamlessly into the training community I call hоmе. Whеn I fіrѕt bеgаn mу jоurnеу into affiliate marketing and blogging I had no clue what keywords wеrе or hоw tо uѕе thеm correctly. Thаt’ѕ whеn I fоund thе training platform I recommend above all others.
If finding the best keyword analysis tool for SEO is a matter уоu’rе іntеrеѕtеd іn, уоu’ll definitely wаnt tо create your free starter account with Wealthy Affiliate. Take full advantage of еvеrуthіng Wealthy Affiliate has to offer. Yоu’ll learn аll аbоut SEO (Search Engine Optimization), how to choose a profitable niche, how to build a website, Understanding the popular searches your target audience is searching for so you can attract them to your site, how affiliate marketing works to turn that traffic into income, and much, much more, Wealthy Affiliate has tаught mе еvеrуthіng I knоw about online buѕіnеѕѕ and I’ve had such positive experiences from it.
Here’s a birds eye view of the process of SEO, from keyword to the money. You’ll get trained on every aspect of this process:
Check out my full review then click the link bеlоw, and thеn gеt started wіth уоur free starter ассоunt. You’ll get Jaaxy included and I’ll be happy to be your personal one-on-one coach and help you achieve your own success.
Has this post helped you understand How to Find the Best Keywords for SEO to Rank on Google? Also do your see how to find low competition keywords free and how using Jaaxy keyword research tool can help you? Arе you rеаdу tо do keyword research free? What kind of keyword research have you done before? What keyword research tips would you like to learn? Share your experiences and questions below in the comments section. I еnjоу аnѕwеrіng your questions, I’ll always respond and am available to help you in any way I can.
About John Stanley
Jоhn is a Fаthеr, Huѕbаnd, Entrepreneur аnd Internet Mаrkеtіng Suрроrt Coach. Evеr ѕіnсе hе ѕtаrtеd hіѕ Onlіnе Business he lоvеѕ working frоm аnуwhеrе аnd the lарtор lіfеѕtуlе. Thіѕ mеаnѕ being closer tо our child as ѕhе grows up. Whеn hе’ѕ not buіldіng websites, hе’ѕ ѕреndіng precious tіmе with оur little girl аnd fаmіlу, exercising аnd еnjоуѕ traveling. Fоllоw me: Webtalk· Twitter· Instagram· Facebook
As a affiliate marketer I know how important a keyword can be in the affiliate business. Your article has given me a lot of tips about keywords. I also learned about a couple of free keyword tools which I can use for my website. I’m definitely going to give them a try. Thank you so much for sharing this article.
Your guide and all the tips were really easy to follow through and understand.
Finding the best keyword is the best way to come up with a good article you will be proud of in your lifetime. Keywords are indeed the key to successful affiliate marketing and without which the progress could be retarded. Every now and then I go up on Jaaxy search tool and the right key for my article.
Great article and awesome writeup as well. This really touched the key point that had been affecting my blog from being ranked by Google . It really agreed a good spotlight on the areas I needed to improve in and how to step up my SEO usage. I got to learn a lot from this writeup and gonna bookmark it for more interesting posts such as this. Keep it up.
Many thanks john for this educative post. Ranking high on google and other search engine like Yahoo or Bing for free would be a dream come true for every internet marketer or business online. However like you rightly mentioned keywords plays a crucial role in this. A lot has been said about the place of content, however it is the keyword used in the content that search engines will used in ranking a site. The right keyword research tool matters. Thanks for the information on the criteria for choosing the best keywords. great post john.
Hello John,
It is very important to have knowledge of keywords usage if you want to be successful in online marketing. Without the right training, most people will just go for broad keywords, which are already over competitive.
However, with proper training and the help of keyword software, even newbies to the world of online marketing can get decent organic traffic to their webpage. This can be done by looking for low hanging fruit keywords with less competition.
I personally make use of the jaaxy software, and my experience so far has been impressive. Using the jaaxy software, I’m able to narrow down my keywords search to be able to find good traffic keywords with low competition.
Thanks for sharing this article, I know people who would find this very helpful.
Thanks for posting this article on how to find the best keywords for seo to rank on google
Targeting the right Keywords is the very foundation of search engine optimization (SEO). And there are many advantages of using the right keywords. I have always made use of Jaaxy research keywords tools because it has many features I like. Examples are Easy User Interface Design, it shows Potential Ranking, Competition statistics, it predicts the amount of traffic you will have, and Tracking Performance. This tool also shows the domain names that are available for a specific keyword and so many other things. To me it’s my best keywords tools. But later I may add some others. But for now Jaaxy is the keyword tools I use to get a good result
Thanks for writing out this lovely article and I must say its a must for everyone to read and digest. Every blogger and affiliate marketer should learn more in this article. You can gain knowledge of blogging and affiliate marketing in this post as well as turning traffic into customers. Different ways of using catching headlines are inside this article. I must say John Stanley is an expert with experience. Thanks for this post on how to find best keyword for SEO google ranking.
I used to think that finding the best keywords to SEO to rank on Google is one herculian task that requires years of study and experience but after reading this article, I have hoped that I can be able to do it in a short while if I can apply all the tips. Seeing how organic traffic has brought you good Google ranking, it’s fair to say that your tips are also working for you. I am encouraged to try the Jaaxy as it is free and see if it would produce the same results for me as it did for you.
Tons of good information that is well detailed and will be of good help to your readers. I’m glad I read this on “How to find the best keyword for SEO to rank on Google”. Specifically about Jaaxy keyword as one of the best tools to use to rank our articles in the top Google ranking and skyrocket our traffic. Jaaxy is undoubtedly the right tool to use for blog writers who are looking to write posts. I’ve heard and read about Jaaxy keyword tools so many times and now read it in your article, this will be useful for my online affiliate marketing journey.
Thank you for sharing!
Hi John
There is so much to learn about key word searching and you make it sound easy with your recommendation Jaaxy.
I have always been told it takes forever to get traffic from a website, that if you are into marketing you need to use Facebook or buy solo ads which are very expensive and no guarantees you will even get a hit.
To this day I have found solo ads and ad blasting a deep dark hole in my wallet with very little results.
So if this Jaaxy is so good how come Wealthy Affiliate is giving it away with a membership? I follow your links and WA is the same price as Jaaxy Pro $49. But you also say Wealthy Affiliate is $49.00 a month? Which is it? Sorry but I am a little confused, is Jaaxy free with WA and you only pay $49 per month and get both? Does WA teach how to write blogs and use Jaaxy to write those blogs?
This seems like a no-brainer to me since I don’t know how to use any of the Key Word search tools you list. At least with Wealthy Affiliate I get help figuring this stuff out.
Good article thank you for taking the time to put this in a website for all to read.
Thanks for your questions and comments Murray, thanks for sharing your insights on paid ads where you used Facebook ads and bought solo ads and you spent a lot of money with little results.
Learning how to Find the Best Keywords for SEO to Rank on Google creates true organic web traffic. Traffic flowing free from search engines is the best traffic and always beats traffic you have to pay for. So it is worth taking the time to learn and implement keyword research and applying in your content.
As for the cost of Jaaxy. Yes that is not a misprint – Jaaxy is completely FREE within the Wealthy Affiliate Membership. Wealthy Affiliate is FREE to start then costs only $49/month for premium which is the same price as Jaaxy Pro on a stand alone bases, i show all this in my full Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review. AND the fact that you get Jaaxy Lite which is loaded with all the features you need, makes it incredible value. AND Yes Wealthy Affiliate teaches you about blogging, how to write blogs and how to use Jaaxy to write those blogs and everything you need to build your own profitable online business from scratch!
Yes, when you compare to the other major Keyword Research Tools which start at around $99/month and no training, no mentoring, other than learning the tool you are on your own and have additional costs of website hosting. This is all included within the Wealthy Affiliate membership platform – Yes, its a no-brainer when you weight it all up.
If you need any help using Jaaxy, check out my review post or reach out to me. Wishing you online success
Thanks for chiming in Mary, I’m glad you have discovered Jaaxy and are using it to rank your blog articles.
It’s an exciting journey. Using Jaaxy in my own keyword research, this very post was indexed within Google within a few hours! As will my next post and every post after that. This all drives organic web traffic – flowing free from search engines Google, Yahoo and Bing. It’s very exciting and I wish you success in your own online affiliate marketing journey.
Thank you Vapz for your perspectives. Yes I too felt the same way that “SEO” was a mountain, taking years to learn and finding the best keywords to SEO to rank on Google is beyond most ordinary people. NOT SO. I show how easy it is to use and all the features and benefits in my full Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review. Jaaxy is completely FREE within the Wealthy Affiliate Membership. The fact that you get Jaaxy Lite which is loaded with all the features you need, makes it incredible value. Also you’ll learn every aspect of building your own online business there. I’m glad you’re encouraged to put this into action.
Thanks so much Adamu for your kind words! Jaaxy and Wealthy Affiliate training are lifesaver! They’ve taught me everything I know. Glad you enjoyed the article and can now apply it to your own success online.
Thanks so much for the comments! I’m glad you’re using loads of the key features of Jaaxy to find the best keywords for SEO to rank on Google. It’s exciting when you do this and I’m glad you’re getting good results.
Thanks so much Louis for your kind words! Jaaxy and Wealthy Affiliate training are lifesavers! The fact that Jaaxy is integrated into a training platform that shows you exactly how to use it really puts it head and shoulders above the competition. They’ve taught me everything I know. Glad you enjoyed the article and are applying it to your keyword research and getting traffic. Please share to those who will find it helpful.
Thanks so much Tolu for your kind words! I’m glad you enjoyed my article. If you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me
Thanks so much! I’m really pleased you learning a few things, Jaaxy is a lifesaver and I have even more good tips on keyword research coming soon, so I’m glad you’ll be coming back.
Thanks for chiming in Kenechi, I’m clan you enjoyed the post, can see the importance of keywords and are using Jaaxy for your own keyword research. Keep up the good work and if you ever have any questions, feel free to reach out.
Thanks for chiming in, I really appreciate your kind words!
I’m glad you learned a few things about keyword research. It’s exciting when you apply it yourself and get your own content ranked on search engines.
Hi, John.
The title is already intriguing to me, and your content is very informative and well-summarized. There should be so many people who are looking for this information and I am one of them…with a passion!
As a newbie, I am still new to this industry and have been learning relevant materials these days. Your site summarized what I have been searching and learning. I can tell you are an expert in this field.
Thank you for your great summary on the quality of best keyword:
1) relevant, 2) specific. 3) reflective of user intent, 4) be aware of where to focus in the customer buying cycle & focus on the comparison and purchasing stages, 5) choose keyword for some traffic, 6) low competition.
I have thought about the quality of best keyword recently, but I haven’t thought much about point 3) & 4) in the list. Your article makes me to re-think about the quality of best keyword.
And, thank you for your illustration on “Long tail SEO”. The graph is visually effective and easy to understand. Regarding the selection of paid keyword tools, I am currently using Jaaxy and I am satisfied with it. Still, it is good to know there are other tools. By the way, I am not interested in them considering their prices.
Again, thank you for your detailed and well-summarized explanation. I will read more articles you have posted in this website.
Thanks Jason,
I really appreciate your positive feedback and glad that it helped.
I do feel that newbies to keyword research, blogging and affiliate marketing can look purely at competition and search volume from the keyword. However as you pointed out, not everyone focuses on the all important, providing users with what they are looking for by focusing on user intent and where the customer is at in terms of the customer buying cycle (notably early stages of research versus comparison and purchasing stages). This will help with meeting your user needs and in doing so, your conversions.
Jaaxy is completely FREE within the Wealthy Affiliate Membership. This online community has taught me everything I know. Plus I feel like its the tip of the iceberg in terms of how big we can grow our online businesses within the community, with Jaaxy and all the resources all rolled into the this platform. It really is like a one-stop shop.
Wishing you online success to Jason.