When was the last time you won an argument? Can you still remember the feeling of victory —of accomplishment?
- Of successfully winning a person to your side on an issue?
- Of making the other person admit his lack of understanding of a topic?
- Or maybe effectively breaking down a person’s barriers and establishing a relationship of trust?
No matter the circumstances, winning your first argument makes you realize the power that comes with successful persuasion. These skills are key to your success online too.
Read on as I list down ways on How To Write Compelling Website Content.

Writing to persuade is especially useful in written pieces of work for driving business. Persuasive writing, if done well, can move people to initiate programs for a cause, or influence them to start a life-changing habit. To attain the desired result, a writer should know how to research facts correctly and lay down an argument expressively.
A key part of writing compelling website content is the end user. Always remember these are real people and I suggest you adopt a ‘how can I help them’ focus. So you’ll need to create valuable content that helps people. Your job is to help your readers by giving out free information. This way you build trust so that when you recommend a product as an affiliate marketer, they will want to buy it.
Having this focus and foundation understood, here are the tips.
5 Tips on How To Write A Great Blog Article

There are numerous techniques and strategies to write better persuasively.
Be passionate and knowledgeable about your topic.
Knowing everything there is to know about your chosen topic fosters a strong opinion about it. The confidence that comes with that mastery makes it easier for you to convince others about it. Your knowledge combined with your passion, equips you to develop a strong defense towards others’ conflicting ideas.
Put yourself in the shoes of your audience.
Probably, one of the most important tips in persuasive writing is to gain an understanding of your readers’ perspective on your issue. It provides you with focus and direction, in both reasoning and writing. For instance, in writing an article about social media marketing, gaining perspective on the thoughts and needs of online entrepreneurs is crucial.
As a reader yourself, you’ll find yourself asking a few questions before you start reading — some of which touch on your topic’s relevance and benefits. As a writer, you will find yourself trying to answer these questions in your articles in the simplest and best way possible. Which brings us to our next tip…
Write energetic and personal pieces.

Ernest Hemingway once said that everything comes naturally the moment you write just one true sentence, the truest sentence you know. This is easier said than done, of course, but that does not make it impossible. In his book Hypnotic Writing, Joe Vitale presented some important points in writing to sell.
First, the repetition of keywords aids in memory and emphasis when used appropriately. Repetition is also helpful in idea buildup. In his book Hypnotic Writing, Joe Vitale highlighted its effectiveness when you are writing to sell. Repetition is hypnotic; Repetition is hypnotic; Repetition is hypnotic.
Be Active
Second, use active voice to make your sentences energetic and alive. Saying “Crystal skin is given to you by Kutis” sounds indirect and lacks impact compared to saying “Kutis gives you crystal skin”. Choose the writing voice that involves your readers the most in your message.
Hook ’em
Third, grab and hold your readers’ attention. Grabbing your readers’ attention may involve using rhetorical questions to place your readers in a reflective state, or incite in them a need to seek an answer to the question posed, probably through reading your article. Ask the right rhetorical question — ideally, one that could put your message at a stronger standpoint.
To hold your readers’ attention, you may also create mental images in your readers through the use of kinesthetic, visual and auditory devices. Using mental images brings your writing to life.
Format and style in writing can also be useful to direct your readers’ attention. As a writer, you can utilize bold, italics, and CAPITALIZATION to emphasize the important facts and information to drive your topic.

Research right. Research well.
Fearless persuasive writing reflects the writer’s confidence in his/her research skills. It is imperative that you reflect all sides of the topic in your writing. This way, you are able to form better rebuttals to contradictions to your message. You are better able to anticipate the thoughts of your readers as you write, so you are better able to respond to them. Integrate well-established statistics or percentages.
Direct quote a perfectly relevant line from a known authority on the field at hand. The quality of the facts integrated in your writing establishes the credibility of your message and strengthens your chances of persuading your readers.
Such as this:
The most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in, shockproof, shit detector.
–Ernest Hemingway
Edit and revise.
Once you have checked that your intention, structure and research are in place, be open to sharing your initial draft to a select honest few. Evaluate their response and thoughts. Ask for recommendations or suggestions. Then, revise and edit as you see fit.
Persuasive articles tend to be more influential if they manifest your mastery and sincerity as a writer. Write an honest depiction of the readers’ problem or situation, then a proposed well-supported solution, in a selfless and logical manner.
Ensuring Credibility And Quality In Blog Articles
You may want to do the following to ensure an impeccable quality to your article.

Optimize your writing for SEO.
Include identified SEO keywords in your writing, ideally in the title and headline of your page, first paragraph of your article, the URL permalink, the body of your article, your meta title/description and your post headers.
It is advisable to include the keywords naturally into your articles and not have them robotically repeated just for the sake of presence. You may include the keywords into rhetorical questions in the beginning or end of the article. It may also help in maintaining reader interest and attention.
It also helps to create categories for long-winded blog articles. Make sure your headers still maintain their relevance and help in SEO improvement. Outlining and breaking up your blog articles into keyword headers improves readability and decreases your blog’s bounce rate.
Double check your facts.
Read through the information that you have integrated in your writing and see if their references check out. Is your data up to date? Is information from a credible source? From a credible author? Also, you may want to run your article through an online plagiarism checker or download a free plagiarism software.
Punctuation and grammar check.
Details, details, details. How you pay attention to form and correctness says a lot about you as a writer and researcher. The presence of misspellings, grammar errors, and punctuation mistakes may undermine the impact of your persuasion. Pay attention.
They may be basic methods, but they are gold. Bear in mind that being a better persuasive writer should also mean being a better writer overall.
Conquer writer’s block.
It’s a known fact that the more you keep producing relevant and quality content, the higher your rankings appear on Google. As a content creator, you will be doing what your title entails — creating content. And you will be doing a lot of it. What’s more, readers will be expecting a consistent display of standard quality in your articles, every time, all the time.
This all makes writer’s block a common phenomenon among bloggers at one time or another. It is safe to say that everyone experienced it at least once, right? Some familiar situations would involve yourself staring at a blank page for hours on end; or partially filling it with words only to delete again and start from scratch; or starting over again and again. Writer’s block may throw your content creation process in a loop, especially if you aim to enjoy producing more content in the least amount of time possible.
Thankfully, other content specialists spill the beans on conquering writer’s block.
- Listen to music. Melody has always sparked the creative process of writing. Put on a tune that would organically place you in a writing disposition. If you find yourself stuck and blocked, change the music. Change as much as needed until you find a tune that successfully inspires you to write well.

- Freewriting. Free yourself from the constraints, stress or pressure that comes with content writing. Put your pen to a paper (or fingers to the keyboard) and just write about anything that comes to mind. Keep the momentum going, and hopefully you’ll find yourself writing about your required topic.
- Change settings. Maybe a change of scenery would do your writing good. Go outside and write. Write under a tree, in a coffee shop nearby, on the staircase, in a park, any place that is not your usual writing spot. Open your senses to what is happening around you and draw inspiration from what you currently observe and experience.
- Exercise. Move your body and shake off the writer’s block. Just light cardio would do. Maybe an uninterrupted meditation could also help you focus. YouTube provides all these and more as options.
- Finish a simple task. Brew a cup of coffee, organize your pens, wipe your desk. Just do something simple, and finish it. Compliment yourself on how you moved forward with one uncomplicated, stress-free task. There is inspiration to be had from these simple activities, which would hopefully jumpstart your writing.
- Content calendar is a great idea. Sometimes the problem may not be only what to write, but also what to write about. This is when content calendars come in handy. It helps you keep track of your progress, in terms of drafting stage, photos taken or edited, content optimization, etc. Not only does it keep writer’s block at bay, it also develops your productivity skills, as well.
Pace yourself.
Have you heard of the Pomodoro technique? Essentially, it is a productivity technique which requires a person to break down a task into smaller, manageable tasks, spend time working on the task without any distractions, take a break, then work on it again until its completion.
Francesco Cirillo, founder of the Pomodoro technique, discovered that Pomodoro as a time-productivity technique allowed users to improve their effectiveness by developing a sharpened ability to estimate the time it would take to finish a task. Working in 25 to 30 minute increments is reasonable as it is not too short or too long to stay focused on a task. If you can schedule it, you can manage it.
For content writers expected to churn out original articles constantly, it’s easy to forget to take breaks. After all, there’s just too much to do! However, a lot of people swear by how taking well-earned breaks actually leads you to do more.
So how do you do it? Simple.
- Pick a task.
- Set your timer at 25-30 minutes. Work.
- When the buzzer sounds, take a short two-to-three-minute break.
- Repeat.
- After four sessions, take a longer break.
After four Pomodoro sessions, you are allowed a longer fifteen minute break. If ever you find yourself interrupted or distracted, list it down in your notebook. This technique is especially effective for repetitive, creative work, which blog writing falls under. This technique provides you also with a record of how you are using your time within the aforementioned intervals.. The technique provides an opportunity for reflection in terms of your writing habits and inclinations. Cultivating a habit of productive work within a set amount of time, with consideration to your mental and creative capacities, is a valuable commodity as a writer.
Avoid These Persuasive Blog Writing Mistakes
You need to watch out for the following as well when you are writing to influence.

Never plagiarize. It is a writers’ responsibility to cite the sources they used properly. It is also a way to preserve your integrity as a content provider and, if I may say so, the integrity of your company/product/service, as well. Watch out and remedy signs of plagiarism as soon as you identify them. Better yet, establish a writing process that allows you to automatically attribute your sources properly.

Watch out for logical fallacies in your writing. In his site Everyday Sales, Tom Waters publishes examples of common fallacies that keep coming up in business. To put it simply, fallacies are errors in reasoning which is a core in persuasion. As the site states, “Flawed logic can kill a business”. As much as possible, try to avoid these commonly identified reasoning errors in your writing.
- Appeal to Novelty. Watch out for reasoning which equate newness to improvement. New does not always mean better. Some new services or technologies grapple with the same amount of difficulties they solve.
- Appeal to Money. This reasoning is “I’m right because I’m rich” in a nutshell, and it is wrong. One’s financial status is irrelevant to the quality of their product, service or reasoning. As Waters said, “Smart people can be poor. Dumb people can be rich.” Focus on the quality or message.
- Perfect solution Fallacy. If you ignore a good solution just because it does not solve the problem or issue at hand 100%, then you may have committed the perfect solution fallacy. Make sure your writing is rooted on practical timeframes and results, not highfalutin promises.
- Syntactic Ambiguity. Earn a salary, commissions or bonuses! The claim warrants a few questions. So is that just one or all? Is that just a typo? Make sure your readers will not be disturbed by multiple interpretations of the same sentence. Write clearly and directly.
- Willful Ignorance. Are you blatantly ignoring a truth or fact in your writing and reasoning even if it’s right under your nose? As a writer, be vigilant in addressing the truths of your readers’ situations instead of intentionally ignoring them.
- Distinction without a difference. This is a fallacy widely used simply because of its effectiveness. For instance, pre-owned or pre-loved shirt sounds better than used shirt. This is the same case as how sales representatives give a picture of people out to fulfill their sales quota; while saying client success managers somehow sound like they put the success of their clients first and foremost.
I am having a blast writing. So to reward you my beloved reader for reading until almost the end of my post, let me go ahead and give you (drum roll please)…
A Bonus Tip!

Add stunning images. Remember to make content that is visual. Remember how much fun it is to read a graphic novel? This is the same thing with writing content. It doesn’t have to be bland and filled with long…boring paragraphs. Spice it up with header images, gifs, and infographics. Creating original images and infographics can also help in building backlinks so this can be a way for you to hit two birds with one stone!
Embed videos. Adding a video in your already catching article can decrease your bounce rate. Furthermore embedding videos such as a YouTube video does not only help engage the reader but also adds value to your content. In this post, I embedded a YouTube video about Pomodoro to help you understand the concept better. 😉
In Conclusion —How To Write Compelling Website Content
To sum it up, the most persuasive articles are those that are able to express their sincerity and information clearly. An article that anticipates the needs of its readers and sincerely responds with well-supported claims and facts is well on its way to successful persuasion.
A lot of research and writing is invested in persuasive writing. And as in all things, only practice and an openness to improvement sharpens a content specialist’s craft.
How I Make My Lifestyle Online
Are you still hoping to find an opportunity for a legitimate and honest way of making money online and in the comfort of your own home?
Thanks for reading until the end of my post about How To Write Compelling Website Content. Because of that, I’d like to share with you my preferred way to earn a sustainable passive income.
If you need to work from home because of a health problem, or you’d rather be with your children…or maybe just REALLY hate your day job, then an online business is what you want.
All the same, learning where to start and to be pointed in the right direction, to put all the pieces together is what you really need to be able to get what you want.
Personally, I highly recommended Affiliate Marketing as my top business model before all else for anyone to make money online.
If you want to discover how I make my lifestyle online and how I can personally help you to also do it – then check out this special video from the link below which explains exactly how. You can also get your free 7-day bootcamp to get started.

About John Stanley
Jоhn іѕ a Fаthеr, Husband, Entrерrеnеur аnd Internet Mаrkеtіng Suрроrt Cоасh. Evеr ѕіnсе hе ѕtаrtеd hіѕ Onlіnе Buѕіnеѕѕ he lоvеѕ wоrkіng frоm аnуwhеrе аnd thе lарtор lіfеѕtуlе. Thіѕ means bеіng сlоѕеr tо our сhіld аѕ ѕhе grоwѕ uр. When hе’ѕ nоt buіldіng wеbѕіtеѕ, hе’ѕ ѕреndіng рrесіоuѕ time wіth оur lіttlе girl аnd fаmіlу, еxеrсіѕіng аnd еnjоуѕ trаvеlіng. Follow me: Twitter · Instagram · Facebook
Wow what you said have given much food for thought and you are so on point.
Having a successful blog depends on all that you have said.
It requires much work but you can have much success.
Thanks for your comments Norman.
Yes I agree with you, there is not just ONE thing or factor that goes into having a successful online business, such as a blog.
I can break it down into four core steps for starters.
If you’re like me, you probably want it as simple as possible.
So here are the proven 4 step system to make a profitable website:
1. Choose your niche
2. Build content (making sure it is quality content)
3. Attract visitors
4. and the best part, turning that traffic into income
If you need help with any of this I am happy to help you and provide personal coaching as part of the online training and mentoring community that I’m part of.
Thanks John for sharing your insights.
This is valuable information on writing blog posts that get indexed and ranked as well as being relevant to the audience.
I appreciate you sharing this.
My pleasure Joseph,
Thank you for your comments.
I’m glad you got a lot out of the post and learned more on how to write compelling website content.
What is key to understand is that there are users, real people who go to search engines looking for information.
Our role as bloggers or affiliate marketers is to satisfy user intent – to give the people the information or solution that they are seeking.
One of the ways we do this is by writing compelling and engaging content. Another way is by video content.
Then when you can embed video into your blog content you satisfy more of the senses – visual and auditory and quality written content for those that prefer to just read.
Thanks for the tips.
I found them really beneficial. I have a blog and sometimes I struggle with content ideas.
The other thing that I sometimes have problems with is knowing my target audience, but as you say putting yourself in your target audience’s shoes will help a lot.
Thanks Delyana,
I’m so pleased you learned a few things from the tips on how to write a great blog article.
As I mentioned, a key part of writing compelling website content is always the end user.
Always remember these are real people and I suggest you adopt a ‘how can I help them’ focus. That way, you’ll need to create valuable content that helps people. I like to remind myself that our job as bloggers/affiliate marketers, is to help your readers by giving out free information.
This way you build trust so that when you recommend a product as an affiliate marketer, they will want to buy it.
So it is all about the target audience, we are here to serve them.
In terms of content ideas to help your target audience – I suggest always putting yourself in their shoes, and you can use tools like I mention in this article on how to find low competition keywords of value to your target audience.