The number of people wanting to work online to develop a long-term future in the field of Digital Marketing has risen dramatically, as has the number of online work opportunities. You may have come across hundreds or maybe even thousands of online money making programs, websites, and other relevant niches only to find that all of your efforts quickly went to waste.
Don’t be discouraged though, not everything on the internet is deceiving. In fact, there are a lot of other good opportunities out there that could make you tons of cash. You just have to know where to look.
The Stefan James’ Affiliate Marketing Mastery is perhaps one of the most striking affiliate programs on the internet right now.

You may already have some understanding of what Affiliate Marketing Mastery is, based on the fact that you’re reading this article. You’ve heard of it, perhaps seen Stefan James’ Ads and now looking for a good Stefan James review or Affiliate Marketing Mastery review to help you make a fully informed decision.
However, you might have wondered…
Is Affiliate Marketing Mastery a scam or a legit business opportunity?
I’m sure this question may have popped in and out of your mind a couple of times, because it’s an opportunity that seems too good to be true. But, don’t you worry because in this detailed overview I will give you all the details you need to know about the program, and you can choose from there whether to go with it or not.
Continue reading to learn what there is to know about Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery…
Affiliate Marketing Mastery Review Summary
Product Name: Affiliate Marketing Mastery
Founder: Stafan James Pylarinos
Price: $997
Rating: 52/100
Best For: People who want to make money online, people who are willing to do content marketing to promote products
Recommended: Not Recommended
What Is Affiliate Marketing Mastery About: Affiliate Marketing Mastery is an online affiliate marketing course created by internet marketer, Stefan James.
Summary: Could suit Stefan James’ fans, but a little dated, overpriced and lacking for most people.
What is Affiliate Marketing Mastery About?

The program’s name speaks for itself. The Affiliate Marketing Mastery is an online program that entrepreneur Stefan James created. It basically shows you how to use affiliate marketing to “transform your interest, talent, or hobby into money.”
It also demonstrates how to make a full-time living digitally without having to create a product or spend a lot of money on paying for advertising.
Affiliate Marketing Mastery isn’t all about expanding a forum or growing a social networking base but It also encompasses a wide range of techniques and provides a comprehensive overview.
Affiliate Marketing is one of the most attractive money making methods I’ve come across. Affiliate Marketing Mastery is one of the many options to learn this. But, I will make an independent assessment of everything so that it can be evaluated on its own merits. I’ll even dig at Stefan’s background and assess his trustworthiness.
The two major sections in Affiliate Marketing Mastery are as follows:
1. Free Master Class

This is the first move you take as you enter Stefan’s program, and it’s what Affiliate Marketing Mastery has on their registration page. This registration page and “live” Masterclass is actually a pre-recorded video and repeats automatically every 15 minutes using the popular WebinarJam software.
Stefan will be your instructor for this online class. It explains how to create an affiliate marketing business and generate several passive income sources in seven simple measures.
Stefan will then start by giving you a little pep talk, telling you about himself, his online audience, and some of his accomplishments – such as earning almost $4 million in affiliate income for only one product.
He goes on to discuss content management, how to create a “capital tree,” and how to develop a successful email list.
What’s in the MasterClass?
The webinar has a good explanation about affiliate marketing, but it doesn’t go any further than that. For more than an hour, there is a variety of chatter and fluff and takes a whole 3.5 hours of your time.
Around 40% of the way into the lesson, Stefan begins to pitch his paid training scheme, which is Affiliate Marketing Mastery. So, to put it simply, he spends the majority of your time in the MasterClass guiding you through this course.
2. Affiliate Marketing Mastery Program

The Key Subject Of This Study Is Stefan’s Paid Training Curriculum. You Won’t Be Able To Sign Up Unless You Have The Direct Connection Or Have Been Through The Free MasterClass I Mentioned Earlier.
The course is divided into seven modules:
- Strategy & Mindset For Success
- Advanced Market Research & Keywords
- How To Build Your Brand And Influence Online
- How To Get Followers And Subscribers From Your Compelling Content
- How To Get Visitors And Followers FAST
- How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing
- Performance & Optimization Strategies
Each module includes a set of step-by-step videos that take you through each step of the money making process, as well as some free PDF transcripts and summaries of the lessons included. There are more than 70 videos totaling more than 20 hours of content.
You also get the following bonuses for Affiliate Marketing Mastery:
- Stefan’s 90-day email coaching service
- Recordings of 14 coaching Q&A webinars
- A sequence of case studies on affiliate marketing
- A collection of professional interviews with affiliate marketers
- Access to a closed Facebook group
Finally, you’ll get four extra perks, the majority of which are done-for-you incentives designed to accelerate your progress.
Who is Stefan James?
Stefan James Pylarinos is the guy behind this program, but he is better identified as Stefan James.
Stefan is an online Business Owner from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Project Life Mastery is his main business, which is a forum devoted to helping people own every aspect of their lives through self-development advice.
He is also one of the most well known affiliates for Knowledge Broker Blueprint, which is another online course put together by Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins. So, yes, this would make him a legitimate business man and his course legitimate as well.
This Entrepreneur Used to Be the Shyest Kid in School was the title of an article published for Stefan by He now makes a fortune teaching self-mastery.
Now, the question is… does he really get a million-dollar income? Yes, of course. He most certainly does. Is it true that being associated with legitimate entrepreneurs qualifies him as well?
Is Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery A Scam?
Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a student of the Stefan James or Affiliate Marketing Mastery myself and I do not endorse it in any way.
I have researched the website, testimonials, and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what Stefan James and Affiliate Marketing Mastery genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn Ways to Avoid Online Scams then click the highlighted text.
Now that I made this clear— Is there a Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery Scam?
Let’s continue the review to find out…
How much does it cost to Join Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery?
Now, if you’ve reached this point in the overview and you’re interested in the course, you will collect more details to help you determine if it’s worth your time by learning how much it costs.
This course is $997, and indeed, it is exorbitantly priced.
However, there is a payment package available in which you can pay $397 in three monthly installments. However, if you do so, you could wind up paying an additional $194.
So, if you’re serious about taking this course, the one-time charge is the best choice…
I would also like to make you aware that the expense of Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery is charged on a monthly basis.
You’ll need to pay at least $100-$200 a year to run your own website with the domain and hosting alone. So, that means you’ll also need additional tools such as:
- ClickFunnels is $97 a month – which is completely unnecessary unless you have developed your own product or have your own company up and running. If you want to explore the waters, you can use Elementor and Mailchimp for free if you want to use a sales funnel.
- Keysearch is a keyword analysis platform that costs $17-$34 per month.
- Bluehost is well-known for having the biggest affiliate payout. It seems to be inexpensive hosting for the first year, but after that it costs $100 or more a year, and it has weak funding and is very sluggish. I’d prefer Namecheap or Siteground, Siteground is far better hosting.
- GetResponse – $15 or more a month
- Email autoresponder ads – $100+ a month (otherwise, they’re a waste of time… and resources… and they’re becoming more difficult to make any profit for affiliate products!)
It’s obvious that it’s not as easy as making a one-time purchase and making profits right away. Most people are unaware of the significant continuing expenses before they begin. The Sales page is silent on these costs
And, as the competition becomes more saturated, the techniques learned are becoming more difficult as well.
What you need to remember right now is that if you spend $997, you’re good to go..
You’ll have keys to the course as well as all of the extras…
What I Like About Affiliate Marketing Mastery
Stefan teaches tried-and-true techniques
Affiliate Marketing Mastery shows you how to build web tools that can provide you with affiliate revenue for years to come. It relies mainly on free traffic sources such as organic search engine traffic, YouTube traffic, and social media traffic.
The course covers blogs, YouTube sites, social networking accounts, and email lists.
These approaches are undeniably efficient, as they are used by many of the world’s most popular online entrepreneurs. They have put in a lot of effort and will continue to do so in the future.
Free traffic isn’t the quickest way to earn money online, but as you get started and gain traction, the money becomes passive and long-term.
The MasterClass provides a comprehensive explanation of affiliate marketing
It’s great that Affiliate Marketing Mastery has a free affiliate marketing campaign blueprint.
Naturally, they want you to sign up as a paying client. However, if you had the motivation, you might follow Stefan’s advice in the MasterClass and create a profitable online business.
In addition to an overview of affiliate marketing, the site class contains some valuable information that will aid you in your efforts.
The material is well-organized
The Affiliate Marketing Mastery course’s layout appeals to me. It’s simple to follow from beginning to end to keep track of your success.
The material is of high standard, and Stefan is articulate and quick to follow.
You don’t need to download a bulky webinar client to participate in the web class; all you have to do is press the connection sent to you and participate right in your window.
This isn’t a website that appears or functions as it was created in 2016, which is a plus. Furthermore, Stefan and his team are apparently working on improving Affiliate Marketing Mastery and soliciting reviews and suggestions.
There is a written summary of Affiliate Marketing Mastery available
One thing I dislike is being led to an order form with no detail on it after sitting through a 1-2+ hour webinar and listening to a pitch for a paying product. (No one wants that!)
I believe it is important to get the opportunity’s advantages written down. So, even if people don’t buy right away, they can go back to it without needing to see a webinar repeat.
Fortunately, Stefan has a connection to a website that includes not only a replay of the MasterClass, but also a complete Affiliate Marketing Mastery sales letter. It breaks down the course’s material and what you get out of it.
It’s purely a matter of convenience, and Stefan and his staff have taken care of it admirably.
What I Don’t Like About Affiliate Marketing Mastery
Paid traffic and funnels isn’t thoroughly discussed
In his course, Stefan discusses a wide range of affiliate marketing topics, including websites, email marketing, YouTube channels, and social media followings.
However, he mostly ignores one approach that has enormous potential in the affiliate marketing space: paying for traffic to funnels that gather emails and promote affiliate products or sell goods on the backend.
It’s Very Costly
Affiliate Marketing Mastery is $397 a month for three months or $997 for one payment. This is far more costly than many affiliate marketing courses I’ve seen.
Let’s face it: individuals who want to start an online business are typically short of cash and won’t be able to manage this.
Of course, this isn’t to suggest that Affiliate Marketing Mastery won’t assist you in becoming successful. What I’m suggesting is that you can get the education you need to start a successful affiliate marketing company without spending this much money.
Stefan’s wardrobe is full of skeletons
Stefan has a sizable social media audience, and you’ve certainly seen some of his YouTube videos in which he flaunts his penthouse or some opulent apartment in a foreign capital.
Isn’t he convincing in appearance and tone? Nonetheless, he has faced a great deal of scrutiny, especially in relation to his Kindle publishing company.
Stefan was accused of selling (or attempting to sell) fraudulent skin remedies online in late 2019, according to a YouTube consumer called Coffeezilla.
He had apparently attempted to sell shady cure systems as 3-day treatments under different pen names, claiming to have spent 5 years researching these diseases. He targeted those who were terminally ill and charged $37 for his services. That’s definitely not good!
His past raises further doubts, like this Warrior Forum post from 2010 when he talks about his “remedy website” being flagged by Google Adwords for “unacceptable business practices”.
Unconvincing Testimonials
If you have the patience to sit through the entire Affiliate Marketing Mastery promo webinar you’ll notice the screenshots that Stefan James highlights are both low resolution, dated and underwhelming. When you look at these closely, you’ll notice none of them are impressive.
It doesn’t get much better on the sales page after this promo webinar. Some of his Affiliate Marketing Mastery testimonials on this page date back to 2016 and are inactive now. The vast majority of the Affiliate Marketing Mastery participants do not end up achieving much.
My Opinion – Stefan James Affiliate Marketing Mastery – Is There a Better Option?
Thanks for reading until the end of my post “Stefan James Review: Affiliate Marketing Mastery Review”. Do you have any questions or experiences with Stefan James or Affiliate Marketing Mastery. If you do, I’d love to hear them in the comments and I’ll always respond.
Affiliate Marketing Mastery is a platform that offers excellent affiliate marketing instruction, webinars, and podcasts, as well as a slew of other awesome perks, all aimed at getting you on the road to online success.
It does, however, have a few flaws:
- It’s too pricey at $1,000 — you can get the preparation you need to develop a profitable affiliate marketing company for a fraction of the price.
- Stefan isn’t a squeaky-clean role model and has some shady past secrets.
- Funnels and paid traffic aren’t a priority of the training.
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About John Stanley
Jоhn іѕ a Fаthеr, Husband, Entrерrеnеur аnd Internet Mаrkеtіng Suрроrt Cоасh. Evеr ѕіnсе hе ѕtаrtеd hіѕ Onlіnе Buѕіnеѕѕ he lоvеѕ wоrkіng frоm аnуwhеrе аnd thе lарtор lіfеѕtуlе. Thіѕ means bеіng сlоѕеr tо our сhіld аѕ ѕhе grоwѕ uр. When hе’ѕ nоt buіldіng wеbѕіtеѕ, hе’ѕ ѕреndіng рrесіоuѕ time wіth оur lіttlе girl аnd fаmіlу, еxеrсіѕіng аnd еnjоуѕ trаvеlіng. Follow me: Twitter · Instagram · Facebook
Affiliate Marketing Mastery
- Stefan teaches effective methods
- Free MasterClass gives good information
- Content is well-organized
- Concise written summary of AMM program description and benefits
- Very Costly
- Paid Traffic And Funnels Isn’t Thoroughly Discussed
- Stefan's Wardrobe Is Full Of Skeletons
- Unconvincing Testimonials
I never heard about Stefan James affiliate marketing mastery – but saw one of his ads so am glad I found your review. It seems a legitimate marketing for making money online but the cost to join it is almost one thousand dollars. It is one time payment but still expensive especially for those on budget or having little money. I made decision not to join quick to get rich scheme websites like Stefan James’ course.
Hi John!
Thank you for your honest review Stefan James Review: Affiliate Marketing Mastery. It is nice to see a review that is very detailed and explains to us what to expect before signing up to a course so we can make an effective decision. The price is a lot, so I would expect Stefan James to go through more content like funnels and paid traffic, but if it helps a lot with organic traffic and earning money then, it should be a good course.
Thank you for sharing this article with us and I wish you all the best!
Hi Amzy,
Thanks for reading my Stefan James Review: Affiliate Marketing Mastery Review. You have pointed out some of the key shortcomings lacking in the course content, there are certainly better options, notably my #1 recommendation.
Regards John
Thanks Mohamed, I’m glad my honest Stefan James review helps you make a decision to avoid this course.
If you need anymore help, please let me know.
Regards John